
I opened the Dirt Bag, clicked on the red bar that says “show all 20 comments” (why is that even necessary? Just show the comments. It’s been a very long time since Jezebel had such an active community that posts got so many comments the pages to forever to load. It’s 20 comments, I think my tablet can handle it) and

We bought a cheap inflatable children’s paddling pool which worked well; it kept the Lego contained, the bright colours made a good contrast to the bricks and it was tough enough that it didn't rip

Hi everyone, how are you all tonight?

Postcards from hospice:

Lumps in the breast can be caused by hormonal changes in the body; they can occur during a menstrual cycle, even with young women; I had one when I was about your age. Many lumps are not cancer; many are cysts and go away on their own. You have to have it checked out, asap, if only for your own peace of mind, but it

Hi, everyone!

I was horrified. $150-$200 for a table that is too small for my lanky almost 6 yo to sit at? Excuse me while I laugh until I pee myself.

I had an absolutely disgusting kid-sized card table out in the garage. Tonight I am scraping the split Ninja Turtle vinyl off of it, scrubbing the whole frame with dawn and lysol, and then hot glueing some base plates down. Is it pretty? No. Is it gonna help? Maybe. But it's a helluva lot cheaper than the lego tables

I received the first part of the paperwork for my Autism assessment today. It was only fairly basic information they wanted, plus my consent to contact my GP, but I was surprised I got it so quickly; here's hoping things progress equally fast. 

Look, I haven’t seen trolling this poorly thought out since middle school.  Please stop so you don’t have to look back at this and cringe some day?

What am I doing this fine Saturday night? Draining a cyst. Fun! This quarter-sized cyst has been on my face for the past 3 months; it took 2 months to see a dermatologist and the stuff he gave me (antibiotic pills and some ointment) did NOTHING. So....I’m going with the old wives tale recommendation of drawing cream.

(well that took like 14 tries and let’s see if it even works, but HERE SHE IS in her lil Docs!) 

I want to hear about all your food related news, what delicious things did you eat, make, or buy?

It’s an unpopular 90s opinion, but I never liked that show. 

I think the issue is less what I’m saying and more how you’re interpreting it. I never said anything remotely close to her being ‘abusable’. Or that anything was her fault. Or that she is to blame. Explanation and justification aren’t the same.  And I’ve lived in and through domestic abuse, so I’m good...thanks.

Not even a little bit how I meant it. My shaming is on the parents. They had a young teenager that they appear to have used as little more than a meal ticket. When I was a teenager, I was out doing the exact same thing. It had nothing to do with any lack of virtue or shame on my part. It was because I had shitty

I had a c-section as my baby was never coming out the usual way and I used hypnobirthing techniques to get through that and they truly helped. I started having a massive panic attack with all of the tugging but remembered what I'd learnt and managed to calm down by breathing properly.

M220’s advice is solid!!! It took me several years (and an early miscarriage and a chemical, and I think 6? months of fertility meds that didn’t work) before I gave up and then almost immediately and unexpectedly became pregnant with my son. I remember spotting and being told that I was most likely having a

Sending good thoughts.

Anybody with That Dirty Kite Eating Tree as an avatar always will be interesting!