
Totes. Who goes to a restaurant with their SO or even a friend, only to chat their heads off with other people there.

Thanks for reminding me that Orlando Bloom still is still alive and existing.

Trump is not even successful in business.

I couldn’t stop laughing at “desired air of placidity”. Yes, thats the air a lady desires, that of being placid.

You can totes buy bustles at bridal stores!

No. You are interneting wrong. Those posts are shown to White people to remind them that they are immigrants too and thats what this country was built on so fearing immigrants is like fearing your own kind which is dumb and fucked up. those posts are trying show racist White people that they are hypocrites.

Undocumented immigrants do not receive SNAP or WIC or Medicaid because they are not eligible. Heck, even documented immigrants who are not permanent residents are not eligible for those services. But hey, did you know both undocumented and documented immigrants pay taxes too! In the hope that someday they will be able

Hispanic people did not displace the “native” population of the US, White people did.

there are actual peer reviewed studies that came out in 2014 and 2015 which also showed that diaper insecurity is a predictor for post-partum depression in new moms. So glad this is being addressed.

Six crackers diet!!! Were there at least martinis involved for the rest of the hours in the day?!!!

OMG! Who cooks in all white outfits (with oil!)and not even with an apron on!!

I was almost hoping this turns out to be some old dirt on Donald Trump

Ummm yeah. I thought it was promoting fearlessness. Was confused when opened the article

You may have already tried it but just in case not: fill a metal jar or container with pennies and quarters. Everytime the dogs start approaching the little cat, give the jar of coins a good shake. Dogs fucking hate the sound coin in a jar makes. It doesnt scare the dogs, but startles them and they hate the sound.

I have no idea what any of this means. What is Twitch? Is it a gaming site? is it a video streaming site? Is it a porn site? is it a food? So many questions

Am really hoping they dont turn out to be terrible fucks!

IDK why you think am doubling down.

EEEEWWWW who is adding milk and sugar to green tea? yeah I have grown up drinking Darjeeling, Assam and other very strong caffeinated black and red teas :) Been drinking tea since I was 12 LOL.

No actually the risk increases, if you are a person with an active infectious bacteria inside you, and are either in the incubation phase or the infectious phase. In fact people infected with Salmonella can be contagious for weeks after symptoms disappear. which is why in many states Salmonella cases are mandatory to

There are so many people whose mothers drank and smoked while pregnant in the 50s, yet they were born fine. That doesn’t make drinking and smoking during pregnancy OK.