Meega Nalla Kweesta

That’s an interesting distinction, so all I need to do is add I think and it’s ok to falsely claim the theater is on fire.

Hi fake doc! Congrats on a bite, now could you define freedom of speech to us, because I believe in my dumb understanding, yelling fire in a crowded theater is not, as you propose, protected speech.

Who are you talking too?

Oh yes, it’s not *just* conservatives but the reasons for the gotcha fact, to feel more powerful than others, is a common theme among authoritarians.

Conservatives LOVE gotcha facts, anything that can make them feel superior they will just eat up. Doesn’t matter the lie, if you can make them feel special, you can pick their pocket and they will thank you for it.

The republican party trained their followers to obey the grift, the religious right movement was an admitted scam, and now it’s biting them in the ass. Ha ha ha.

Many of the same people who riot over their football team and think their lucky jersey means something.

Yes calling you an incel was an exaggeration like ‘hyper liberal’, apologies, But you’re clearly angry and hyperbolic.

Oh no, your need to be overly dominate through uses of terms you don’t understand (do you even know where snowflake comes from Mr D?) or use of little in a diminutive sense, again being just too needy to prove dominance, is very apparent.

Aww see, you’re just being too desperate, that whole adding snowflake at the end as more of a knee jerk reaction, a hallow idea of what you think trolling is like, but it just shows your need to bait. You should be a bit more subtle, no one is going to play with you if you’re so obvious.

Ok, what would a chip have to do to bypass modern kernel and net analysis? How is this chip hidden?

The knee jerk reactions always amaze me.

Devils advocate, china has an antimatter bomb.

Yep the article was banking on this, that people would assume it’s possible because scary chinese.

Hi thirsty dude with obvious bait, that doesn’t care about facts, how’s your day?

There are few people I hope get lost in a ravine for eternity, Mitch is one of them.

Haha triggered!

Hell Yeah turn on each other!

Yup, this is going to be 4 years of the MAGA party parasiting itself and funneling money away from republican members and into Trump’s account.

So republicans failed to convict and you blame liberals?