Meega Nalla Kweesta

You dropped this “/s”

I will not forget that we could have had a literate and stable president had republicans not lost their shit turning into the nutzo conspiracy party.

I doubt drinking mixes well with the uppers and other downers he’s on. 

This is where folding tech will shine. I bet a mini or smaller that also opens up to a normal sized screen would do quit well once they get the form and durability right.

Essentially, child Trump shows off his toys to the big kids in hopes they will like him.

Stop watching so many movies.

Well that was creepily predatory and close to an abuser grooming his target. ...I knew she liked it, he said, stripping her of agency...

I’m thinking it’s time to develop a more decentralized internet system that can’t be blacked out so easily.

Yes, it still is. But we know you don’t really care about property damage.


Ah the downplayers are here. It was just a joke guys!

Which is an after the fact solution, to avoid an emotional issue. Removing references to race in racist situation is a short term comfort to ignore a long term discomfort.

I see, so the reader should infer that Ricky Barnes (the subject of this article) is black *because* he was called a slave? And we should infer that Peter is white because he used Slave as an insult?

Ok who in The FAA did Elon call a pedo?

I see, refering to people’s race triggers you.

I see... so you are telling me you believe antisemitism would go away if we just stopped mentioning jewish people being the target of anti-jewish rhetoric?

Why you here defending the angry racist?  LOL

He’s a racist whataboutism troll.

Daww you had to change your name, but it’s obvious who you are. LOL

As long as my eyes are closed, racism is solved!