Meega Nalla Kweesta

Well that was creepily predatory and close to an abuser grooming his target. ...I knew she liked it, he said, stripping her of agency...


Which is an after the fact solution, to avoid an emotional issue. Removing references to race in racist situation is a short term comfort to ignore a long term discomfort.

I see, so the reader should infer that Ricky Barnes (the subject of this article) is black *because* he was called a slave? And we should infer that Peter is white because he used Slave as an insult?

I see, refering to people’s race triggers you.

I see... so you are telling me you believe antisemitism would go away if we just stopped mentioning jewish people being the target of anti-jewish rhetoric?

Why you here defending the angry racist?  LOL

He’s a racist whataboutism troll.

Daww you had to change your name, but it’s obvious who you are. LOL

As long as my eyes are closed, racism is solved!

The republican party is the party of abusers, of course they’re ‘sorry’ want to forget all about it and will suggest maybe we are the ones over reacting.

I’ve seen it hypothesized before and it seems to fit here, that older men date much younger women because older women have seen through and are tired of their bullshit.

Yup, you’re a some person alright!

The inclusion of football and Jersey color in her “I love to tell myself how awesome I am” rant as if it’s equal to race and religion is, um, telling.

Aww look at you defending violence and crime!

Well, if you can’t say it, it must not be important.

Some people who?

Gun’s and smuggling are american as apple pie and bootlegging, why are you hating on american values?

White police, “hey black guy, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself” *uses the guys hand to punch himself* “and he’d do this to you if he had the chance!”

Fear, obedience and violence, the only education conservatives believe children need.