Let’s say you were going to fix stupid, and I’m clearly stupid, who should I rely on for information then?
Let’s say you were going to fix stupid, and I’m clearly stupid, who should I rely on for information then?
Wait, wasn’t slavery good, providing housing and work? That’s what conservatives tell me, and now you say democrats supported it, so democrats must be good, according to conservatives.
America, it’s just grifters all the way down.
Please make your Election Fraud investigation checks directly payable to me, and we will steal the slop, er stop the steal!
*hiss* “Footsteps have triggered scaredy snake!”
I didn’t expect Covid to eat *my* face says woman attending covid will eat your face party!
Idk I think the strategy of a giant multi-human persona as just an individual who’s your friend is something we should be wary about as more brands act like we are all buddies here.
Look guys, I hate to tell you this, but rich people are selfish shits, yes even your favorite rich person!
America... are we the bad guys?
This man has definitely killed.
The whole Book:Chapter:Verse system was the most genius con. Priests can quote random lines out of context and fill in the gaps with their own musings while at the same time making listeners think that it all must be in the bible somewhere, cause he quoted a line, and claims to be an expert.
That’s mighty simplistic thinking there. Almost so simplistic to be trolly.
I get why, but it always amuses me that people believe anything said by people who are famous for pretending to know what they are talking about.
Wish she would actually open the bible and read the damn thing instead of pretending.
You should always use their current name and pronouns. However since that can take some time to adjust to, I’ve known tans folks who when sticking with a similar first name went by first letter and last name as people adjusted, so E. Page might also be acceptable as people get used to Elliot.
Yup! Sydney Powell got fired by Trump because she told her followers to make Trump election donations payable to “Sydney Powell” Presumably knowing she would never get paid by Trump.
Nah, suggesting a single review is anywhere the same is so absurd to be silly. Lol good joke, acting like white men are so so fragile that a single review cuts as deep as industry vets cancelling lines because white men bought them, going out of their way to cut content for white men.
It’s a problem specifically because there’s already such an absurd amount of media built for cishet white men that it’s overflowing, it’s the easy mode.
That villian makes some great points! It reminds me when I was a kid and old execs would push the last generations nostalgia on us like we would understand who the hell any of these characters are.
“My fandom is bigger than all sports!” A) citation needed B) then you have plenty of stuff to read, quit your whinging.