Meega Nalla Kweesta

I’m starting to understand why the tow truck industry does good business.

People seem to be asking if I saw a car not meant for the snow, in snow conditions, and I’m saying no, because that would be dumb!

Cool, also I’m pretty sure no one in the industry calls it AI.

Ready for prime time and can go anywhere are two different things.

Yes yes they aren’t perfect at everything and it’s car-guy-cool to see these as a threat, so much so that one challenge they discovered were assholes trying to run them off the road.

Based on what? I literally this very day saw a Cruise brand autonomous vehicle in the wild, presumably due to the lack of sirens, it killed no one.

Giz asks, what are some common signs of scam science and snake oil products?

Adaptexx-Quantum now with two X’s. 

Idk I think the strategy of a giant multi-human persona as just an individual who’s your friend is something we should be wary about as more brands act like we are all buddies here.

Look guys, I hate to tell you this, but rich people are selfish shits, yes even your favorite rich person!

America... are we the bad guys?

And now the comments section will bring you acceptable racism and american nationalism.

China didn’t create it. It almost certainly transferred into the human population multiple times before hitting all the right variables to go wild, which makes tracking hard.

It’s the good ol conservative, ‘claim everyone is being shitty so I can be even shittier!’

Which Marx ideas specifically?

This man has definitely killed.

The whole Book:Chapter:Verse system was the most genius con. Priests can quote random lines out of context and fill in the gaps with their own musings while at the same time making listeners think that it all must be in the bible somewhere, cause he quoted a line, and claims to be an expert.

The Cannabis metabolites tested for stay in the body for weeks to months, so testing positive is less like being drunk at work and more like having a glass of wine with dinner two weeks ago and being fired for it.

A quick look over, it appears to completely unschedule marijuana, which would allow federal employees to use it without being fired, additionally illegal drug tests should outright stop looking for it.

That’s mighty simplistic thinking there.  Almost so simplistic to be trolly.