Meega Nalla Kweesta

Well you’re dumb then. 

What pray tell is “professional scum” is that similar to a paid troll?

So, Another terrorist attack, suicide, or ‘suicide’ via parents or Cops, I don’t see any good coming from this, the murder was safer in prison.

Yup and they make the ignorant poor dreaming to be rich support it by conjuring fantasies of windfalls from dead relatives that the evil government swoops in and takes. ‘How dare the government take your fantasy money!’ They say, ‘you must take real world actions to protect this made up windfall!’

Do you have stock in anti mask companies or these tracing apps?  Cause you sure have an investment somehow or another in hating masks.

Are you a developer?

If you look at the details you will see most places in california that are spiking either loosened regulations or never implemented them In the first place. 

I too hate websites with green colored logos. 

I always wondered how the mooks end up on the bad guys team. 

So is the same said for people who use the term ‘douchebro’ or do only females manifest this tendency?

Nor is she correct.

And I feel sorry for the many of their own wives and children they are going to beat or murder.

But control over women is 95% of the reason they chose that religion in the first place. 

Because of our archaic system this fuckery will probably continue one way or another until Dec 14th when the electoral college starts to make our votes official. It’s also another fuckery point as not everyone must follow the vote, it’s just really suggested they do.

One thing I notice with all their claims is how petty rules lawyer it all is. Oh sorry Sally filled out her vote in sharpie thus election fraud. Even if sharpie was bad or any of these other claims really happened, it’s clear the game is to rules lawyer a win away from the people and deny them the vote. 

I liken him a bit to a shark that always must be swimming forward. I think part of his ability is to be so adamant about his alleged skill that people just can’t conceive he’s lying and really want to believe, so they give him the benefit of the doubt, and that’s all he needs. Taking a bite and then swimming along to

LooL you’re evidence it was local looters is straight up “cause my racism says so!” Ok, bonus points I guess for being honest.

Lol what are you even talking about? Yeah conservative Biden and Cop Harris are sure going to support anarchy or something. But try not to be so prejudice dude!

Do I? Cause I see a constant string of white supremacist dog whistles.

So do you have any proof these looters were local community? No answer to my walmart question? So walmart can destroy local business all they want.  Got it!