
Anti-Climate change (anti-intellectualism in general) is a dogmatic pillar of the social cult of The Right. It’s not about logic or science to them. Rather it’s a challenge to their dogma. It’s essentially become part of their political identity and any challenge is viewed as an attack on that identity and dismissed

It’s so sad that some people have to get screwed to finally learn that the current FCC is ready to throw them under the bus to help other rich white men make a buck.

I’m a white Virginian, and I live off of ‘Jefferson Davis Highway’, and I find that pretty fucking offensive. It might as well be called ‘Adolf Hitler Strasse’, as far as I’m concerned. But hey, it’s just a symbol of enduring treason and racism, what’s to get upset about, right?

“But if you do, for god sakes man, keep it to yourself and don’t take pictures!”

“pretty sure the stipulations were: try not to rape anyone”

pretty sure the stipulations were: please don’t rape anyone

Hey libtards gravity is only a theory stop pushing your alarmist agenda

It’s funny because it hits him in the head.

Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo...”

Yeah, whenever people pull the “not all Trump voters are racist!” bit, I just roll my eyes. They stood there and listened to the river of hateful shit he spewed for months, years even, and at the absolute least they decided they were perfectly okay with it.

Nearly half of the country voted for him.

I mean, considering every one of his defining proposals is at least crypto-racist, I feel pretty comfortable declaring all his supporters are perfectly cool with racism.

63/323=.5. Learn something new everyday!

This really is a specious comparison. Cutler has almost no experience taking a knee.

As opposed to what he would give to his kids, Jay decided to give football one last shot.

His body language takes the “pocket quarterback” thing to the next level.

Cutler hasn’t cared about football in years and was a vocal supporter of a misogynistic, racist, abrasive Presidential campaign yet there was not outcry against signing him. Kap kneeled during the national anthem to protest videos of people actually being killed by police.

Fair enough, and I usually just joke around on here, but I’m interested to see if a “fuck it whatever” season is the best season this “fuck it whatever” QB has ever had. There’s potential there.