
Sugar Bear doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. As an arm-chair psychiatrist and viewer of Honey BooBoo, I would not be surprised if he is manipulated by June or just plain scared of her.

I think the fact that they'd be asking advertisers to bankroll the potential sexual abuse of children pretty much puts that to bed. The network would be risking a hell of a lot of revenue, but even more than that, they'd be accused of profiting from child molestation. The legal implications of that are enormous. Not a

Sometimes I wonder how some have tons of people just waiting to get with them while I never have anyone. Now I see it's because I refuse to date sex offenders.

Not the only explanation. He could be just as awful as she is.

...he's decided against it due to the fact that his life right now is not particularly stable and a 9-year-old is a lot of responsibility.

You mean, in 2006, the entire Duke Lacrosse team was falsely accused of rape by a racist stripper, who is now in prison for murdering her boyfriend.

I am compelled to point out that the Duke lacrosse team was cleared of all charges and the woman, Crystal Mangum, lied about the entire scenario. Repeating a falsehood is not cool.

Then use your own words instead of linking to a stupid website written by 13 year old morons. It takes away from whatever grand point you think you're making.

What makes a guy a "fucking douchebro"? Granted I'm not exactly educated in terms of prior seasons of The Bachelorette, but judging by interviews I've seen with him, he seems like a fairly normal (albeit handsome) farmer from Iowa.

Urban dictionary isn't a real source, you's just as stereotypical and judgmental as the worst of the internet.

I'm not a fan of casual or blatant racism, and I do not get that from these ads. I'm admittedly a sometimes-viewer of The Bachelor. When I think of the connection between the term "All-American" and Bachelor Chris, I think of his clothing style, his job (farmer), his place of residence (farm), his close connection to

If you have problems with journalism ethics, don't involve yourself with the toxic association with the GamerGate. It will permanently stain any point you are trying to make. If you have something meaningful to say, do it as yourself, not as another face of the movement of misogynistic asshats.

All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the

"all Muslims are terrorists"

I actually think the smart ones who have a point don't associate with Gamer Gate. They don't see the need to be collective in their genuine inquiries about journalism ethics or sexism. Also, those aren't the ones being chauvinistic douche waffles threatening rape and outing peoples personal info.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

Because he had been directly treating ebola patients as their treating medical practitioner. He hadn't just come back from an Over 70s cruise of Hawaii, he was in Guinea having direct contact with infected people.

Even worse, he isn't a flight attendant or a travelling jewellery salesman, he is someone with supposed

That expression is applicable 90% of the time. But if you're living in a zebra park, sometimes you suspect zebras.

"He reportedly began to feel "sluggish" on Tuesday of this week"

I feel like they might actually do that. Amazingly enough, there is precedent that calling something "Not ______" shields you from copyright violation — Larry Flynt has been doing that with porn parodies for years.