
I fucking love this. Fuck Valve. I’m sorry, but really not at all that sorry.

Wait. You need to be IN chapter, or progressed TO or BEYOND chapter 7?

Same here, I loved the ending. I can’t recall the last time a mainstream media product let the bad guys win. It helps that I didn’t see that ending coming at all.


Luke, what is you read on why they’re doing this?

This was such a fun read, please share more.

Jesus Christ they guys are annoying to listen to.

Hoping for a discount myself, I know the team is capable of making incremental improvements. Had God of War not come out recently I think the backlash wouldn’t be so rough right now.

Can the problems you have with the game be fixed through future patches?

Is there an embargo preventing outlets from speaking about Red Dead Online, or have they really not shown any gameplay to the media yet?

Michael Jackson and Space Channel 9

IMO you have to give props just for the amount of hours its taken and the different experiences he’s has. Imagine all the games he’s played that most players would have never even heard of.

Thanks, making this my first Black Friday purchase.

Thanks, making this my first Black Friday purchase.

I highly recommend folks check out her Netflix documentary. I used to write her off as just being eccentric for publicity purposes, but she really is a fascinating person behind all that glitter.

Damn, I would jump on this if it was PC.

Damn, I would jump on this if it was PC.

Closing line seems biased and unprofessional.

Very good question. Game is only coming to the Microsoft Store at the moment, but as mentioned in the article - Microsoft has released a few of its first party titles on Steam in the past (including this year).

This was a fun read.

I agree, Bad Company 1 & 2 had stellar and fun campaigns. I am loving BFV, but there’s some much about classic Battlefield that I miss.