
I was an Operations Manager for a large Fortune 500 company earlier in my career. When people get sent home to serve suspensions it’s recommended to them not speak to anyone about what’s being investigated, I would imagine that evolved now to also include keeping a low profile on social media.

No, they don’t have to answer to anyone except their owners and investors.

I didn’t ask for anything, just simply said I wasn’t going to join the lynch mod without knowing details.

I should probably add this since some people thought I was being sympatchic towards him, I only meant I’m not joining the mob saying “he’s a dirty pervert” if I myself don’t know what happened.

And I bet you know that I didn’t mean lynching in the literal sense.

Not necessarily that you read it wrong, I could have done a better job of elaborating, but that’s what happens when you’re supposed to be working and not checking Kotaku.

Overreaction much? Where did I say anything about offering sympathy towards the accused harasser?

What was good about him?

Without details I’m not going to immediately call for the lynching of anyone.

We have beds, beanbag chairs in our office space and it’s only for the purpose that some people enjoy taking their hour long breaks in nap-mode.

It’s not difficult at all, not sure what your profession is, but I’ve worked in QA and Project Management before and there is no such thing as “it can’t be done”, the only obstacle to anything being accomplished is availability of resources.

He didn’t steer you wrong, it’s just overkill and adds an unnecessary risk in my opinion. Standard air coolers work just fine, I’m like Relm13 in that I just have a phobia of doing it and it wouldn’t benefit me as I don’t do any serious overclocking.

Luckily putting together a computer is like playing with adult legos, you’ll be fine!

Did you read the hashtag? That should answer your question, like a lot of these YouTubers and Twitch Streamers they’ve let the idea of them being a celebrity evolve into being something much larger. They have armies, or so they do in their mind.

Yeah, but they can do better on a case by case basis with huge channels like this.

Used a mod from Nexus to remove those ugly duds

I can only use myself to provide anecdotal evidence, but it’s already boiled over for a lot of veteran D1 players. Over 1200 hours in D1, less than 30 in D2.

Great story, would love to see you write some pieces on Elite Dangerous, you have a great storytelling tone.

Doesn’t surprise me. Based off his gimmick you can tell he has some insecurities which is why his character is the complete opposite.

Keep being vocal community, we’re holding Bungie’s feet to the fire and finally getting responses. That’s step 1, they’ll get better at fixes the more often we put them in a corner to actually even consider doing so with broken mechanics/rewards.