
I gave you a star because you bring up a very valid point.

EXACTLY - true journalists are unbiased towards the repercussions of the “news” they’re delivering. If it’s the truth, then the public “deserves” to know. the press sne

Fuck ‘em. DISCLAIMER - if I ever get rich and famous I meant fuck em in an affectionate way.

The hate is so unwarranted though from the developers. I can understand their marketing and PR folks being upset for ruining their reveal plans, but as a developer I’d be appreciative that you leaked the title.

How did a rarely sober insomniac come up with such great advice?

I had the same issue with the “game” initially, but what I enjoy doing more now is allowing others to solve these mysteries then as an explorer/screenshot expert/trader I make the voyage out on my own at a later date. 


You can use Lavender perfume.

That people begged for...

Exactly what his lawyer wants you to think!

I loved it as well, had incredible immersion.

I bought Wildlands and I was really interested in other opinions since I’m a bit torn on why it didn’t click for me.

Smart man, I too am waiting to see VC plans, but will probably go all in on Switch back having a separate Wii U and 3DS on hand.

I see nothing wrong with this, and I don’t consider it spam.

I think most places say 6 - 10ft is ideal for TVs, but I think that has to do more with hiding AA.

I see what you did there you cheeky bastard!

I guess the biggest thing for me is that at some point you have so much money you could never spend it all unless you went batshit insane and careless with it.

Because they almost certainly did. Watch Dogs was guaranteed to be a success so there was no viable reason for them to drop the stock off feared low sales figures.

Insider trading is greed at its finest.

Guess you could say he was a “heroine” addict...