
What I love about Guillermo as a character is that he’s a really messed up person when you think about it. It probably would have been really depressing if he were just this meek guy who’s always overlooked and mistreated. But no, he’s actually happily complicit in murdering a ton of people for over a decade and by

Guillermo wants to become a vampire, but it has become tangled up in his dysfunctional relationship with Nandor. A big development this season is that Guillermo and Nandor now recognize that their relationship is more than just friends even if they don’t want to openly admit it.

They really did, I thought Nandor’s line about being vampire is a curse that he doesn’t want to pass on to Guillermo was a surprisingly deep way to keep their same dynamic.

Guillen and Novak really brought it to the screaming argument in the car about deserving to be happy. It’s impressive when such comedic actors and hit the heavy notes so well.

Cree Summer was amazing. I don’t know the process for choosing guest-stars on this show but I don’t think they’ve ever went wrong in their decision. You always want to see more of these one-off characters. I really hope she comes back with a new scam in a future season.

Now playing

I don’t know, Mr. Lincoln. The remake wasn’t a good movie, but it was a fair price to pay for this:

People are fucking weird on social media. Either tagging people in on things which will clearly make them uncomfortable or just amplifying shit in the worst way possible.

I don’t have an issue with the mimicry. It’s crazy good. And you have to hustle in this business; I get why Costa did it. Make good shit and put it out into the universe, make things happen, etc etc.

This is the first article I’ve seen about this thing that mentions how kind of... gross it feels.

Yeah, those darn powerful trans folks who have entire states making laws about where they can take a piss, sure are running the world nowadays.

He’s basically become a real life caricature, just a combination of the most unbelievable (admittedly funny back then) characters from his early skits. You can look at that picture up top and practically hear “I’m rich bitch!” shouted with barely disguised contempt in the background. So far gone and out of touch with

I don’t think the issue is ever “there aren’t that many video games.” It’s just that depending on your taste, there often may not be that many video games you actually want to play.

As another trans Ohioan welcome to the party.

Same question for JK Rowling, to be honest. Why do you care so much? Why die on this hill?

I just don’t get it. Why does Chapelle even need to fixate on this? Who asked him?

Congrats by the way for coming out!

Oh Jesus Christ.  As someone who has struggled with gender identity and after this year identity as a woman this is goddamn miserable.  I live in the same state Chappelle calls home and people loooooove him here.  Siding with JK Rowling is a rather quick and easy way to out yourself as an asshole.

his sidelong, Jim Halpert glances at the camera are guaranteed to elicit a laugh from me every time

Exactly. Abusers isolate their victims and always aim for the weakest and people with the most to lose. Abusers also know how to smile and treat their equals well, and then suck up to powerful people. It’s only the true sociopaths who attack anyone.

This is apparently going to be shocking: Abusers typically don’t abuse people who can actually hurt them. I have no doubt prominent people didn’t know how bad he was, because he can’t actually abuse them without harming himself, and the people who he does abuse would be too intimidated to tell anyone else.