Clay Lamm


In a lot of these it’s clearly a nod to the Hamsa ~ Hand of Fatima ; Arabic symbol for blessings, goodluck and protecter against the evil and danger. Seriously go look it up and tell me you don’t see it. :p

Here we’d just make fun of it. But I don’t think people would boycott it for political reasons the same way.Now put something from another country in one of our cities, then yeah maybe.


The real question is,will the Chinese Government because of this mistake and it was one, still allow the movie to be shown in their country?

By far, outside of the 3DS, this is the coolest idea Nintendo has had in ages. Super excited to see it for myself.

Wow it sounds like no body bothered to go listen to it for themselves before commenting on the contents of the pod cast. Why don’t you listen to it first then nurse an opinion.

Or, does it then imply, that while not belonging to man, it is in turn belonging to woman? Ahh Ahh?


Honestly, Sonic CD is still to this day an amazing game and say what you will but Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was one of my favorite games as a child. Lot of secrets to find, platforming that was seen as a side to side not just top down (as in, only enemies and pits to kill you), a killer sound scape and a level variety even

I just feel like sometimes, like an entire generation of people don’t realize yet that how we use to tell stories in film is changing and their getting left behind. True Story!

I really do hope that one day when you die, as we all will someday, that no one is grateful you are no longer here. What an indifferent way to be towards your fellow man. I pray for you. Liberal, conservative. It doesn’t matter what you called yourself in the end. It’s how you made other people feel. He was a great