Received a letter about this, but not relevant to my old ‘16 FiST. Though the craptastic nature of all non-ST Fiestas dragged down trade-in value on the one good model as well.
Received a letter about this, but not relevant to my old ‘16 FiST. Though the craptastic nature of all non-ST Fiestas dragged down trade-in value on the one good model as well.
Dude, that buzzword soup had my eyes glazed in the first half of your first paragraph.
One guy does this and it ruins it for the rest of us. Thanks a lot, Todd.
And people ranted when Ford had a factory line lock on the ‘15 Mustang GT to allow more creative burnouts... while I giggled like a maniac and put down a deposit. We can all put on the civilized facade and put stuff down, but that inner child is making serious happy noises.
Just bought a lightly used ‘17 WRX at Carvana. Got to listen to the lot guys talking about how they had to go to a class when hired to learn how to drive a manual well enough to pull it in and out of the vending machine thingy. Did my best not to laugh at them... then realized not everyone had the fun of driving a…
After watching the 2015 trip to Beirut by Anthony Bourdain, I really want to go there. A lot better than his 2006 trip there where they fled the city as it was being attacked.
Trip made even more difficult by having to listen to bluegrass the entire way...
Kind of the reverse for me, got offered a 2004 Land Rover for my ‘16 Ducati Scrambler... too many scary stories about those beasts to be interested.
This guy approves.
You are a small, sad little person.
I didn’t get a chance to do the ST experience when I had my FoST and then my FiST, since it was only offered out west somewhere. I did have fun at the Abarth event at Daytona on the infield track. Fiat at least offered several locations to choose from, rather than a single event location.
27 years USAF, most time traveling on military orders, TSA prescreen, bald white guy. Every time. Residue swab, additional screening, the works. I figure they assume I am an easy quota for their daily stats.
The whole rocket bunny trend needs to die in a fire. Poor little NC... stuck with so many cliches.
That looks familiar...
I downsized my MX-5 to 16" wheels, improves shock absorption and handling on the third world tarmac here in PA.
Only if he can hook up with the russian mob for money laundering like all of the other identical t-shirt shops down there now.
“That’s what she said”.
Just schisty drivers.
Pretty much every first responder carries some form of glass breaking tool. Watching a person die because you don’t want to get a burn is pretty sad.