
Limited Edition...

Pretty sure they meant to list it as Mazdaspeed6. Likely just an oversight... I hope...

Analog speedo is pretty much pointless, IMO. On every car I have driven that has an option to display digital speed, that is what I have it set to and that is what I look at when driving.

Put a set of Blizzaks on the wife’s ‘16 Ram 1500 4WD and suddenly I want it to snow. Forecast for icy snow? Bring it on. Authorized to come in late due to winter weather? Nah, I am good, I’ll have the lights on and coffee brewed in the squadron by the time anyone else drags in.

Yes they do. And at 15.2 lbs for 17x8" they are pretty amazing.

“I’ve never seen a flabby jaguar.” ORLY???

Tens and tens of peoples! Which is the largest adult market for RHD imports...

Best at posing? Ok, but red is the fastest. Heh...

I agree that they are fun as heck... to a point. I have owned both a FoSt and a FiST, both with suspension upgrades and better tires, both also with tuning and power mods. You hit a point where your power coming out of a corner generates understeer as the motor tries to spin the tires and the cornering load tries to

And real car guys use only the finest organic, non-GMO, free range water and soap, applied with virgin lambs wool still on the lamb.

Toss your keys in your microwave when at home at night. Instant Faraday cage. Just don’t actually nuke them by accident...

Having owned a Stage 1.5 Audi S3, which felt fast as heck off the line and was a beast in the corners, I can only imagine how a 3+ would feel.

One of the best times I ever had on an autocross course was in a tuned/pulleyed ‘02 Lightning. For once it wasn’t a sea of cones, as I could look down on everything, and nearly drive straight over the cones in the slalom. Did have the instructor come over to tell me to check my power steering fluid, since it seemed to

I just picked up a low miles ‘14 V6S for about 60% off original sticker... I was just waiting for them to get down into the normal guy price range. Have to say that I do highly recommend it, if you have the means.

Sure is, and being as he is a “tuner”, which wouldn’t be visible to an insurance company as the ECU is fried, I think he is carefully understating the mods on the car. Reading is fun, but cynicism is a hobby.

Being as he owns a GT-R tuning shop, I would be willing to bet it was tuned to within an inch of its life. Which very likely made it run hotter than normal, and certainly didn’t help in this situation...

My choice...

Chicken should fly south for the winter and get some Dunkin. Once she gets away from that crappy TH she’ll never go back...

All of my old Fox-body Mustangs had optional push to start... as in the passenger had to get out and push while I popped the clutch to start it after the failed interior light pin-switch or many other electrical gremlins killed the battery.

Just a two bit thief, aint worth a plugged nickel.