
I've actually noticed a huge increase in crashes. I thought it was one of my extensions but after going on a witch hunt it seems it's just the browser. There must be another issue somewhere. I was hoping that upgrading to 3.6.3 would help but it crashed in the process and hasn't been able to connect to the update

This is interesting to me. I wonder if the composition of the swarm, client-wise, had anything to do with this. Several trackers have banned utorrent 2.0 because of the way it favors other users with the same client. This supposedly slows the entire swarm.

I don't know that I'd call it crushed. He beat the score by 2,300 points, which is a scant 0.005564% more than the previous high score. Impressive, but hardly a crushing.

I thought this opposing viewpoint was interesting and relevant, and they both make strong points.

@gburke: I just tried this on three windows PCs and it didn't work on any. Son, I am disappoint.

There's an easy counterargument to being forbidden from parking in a spot with a broken meter: break the meter, deny customers the service of parking. An intelligent vandal could go around town breaking EVERY meter, robbing the world of metered parking (and potentially driving up profits at a privately owned lot or

@PaintDrinkingPete: Their method of imitating French accents is very attainable. I recommend it.

I'm from Chicago, but I barely have an accent- enough to not be called a liar when I say it's where I'm from but not enough for most people to notice. Occasionally I'll try really pouring it on so I don't feel so inadequate around my barely understandable long islander friend. I'm too nervous to actually use it on

@OchentaYcinco: At least this one was mostly about the Twins. The White Sox preview focused on the Royals.

Bikes are great, but in my current arrangement I can't have more than one vehicle, and a bike just doesn't cut it for when I have to drive for six hours with luggage or something, haul more than I can carry from one place to another, or all those days when it's pouring rain/snowing and I have to show up not looking

Now playing

I remember watching a video of his fantastic 07 keynote. He did a few other there (not mentioned here) and people loved them, too.

I don't know any drivers who are truly as terrible as that family, but I did have a roommate once who was pretty bad. I've been with him multiple times when he's turned the wrong way down the same one way street, and a few times he's had some new paint on his car. When I ask about the yellow gouges, he tells me he


I wasn't going to say anything, but after reading that last paragraph, I just have to.

I learned more about the White Sox from this post's title than I did from the White Sox preview.

As a sox fan, I was looking forward to this. Silly me.

Unitasker? Pass.

I'm on a linux box right now, so no. I've installed it on a few windows boxes when I came across something that needed it.

So what's the breakdown of ownership of affected toyotas by age group?