
First of all, I like Bethesda and will probably buy this game pending reactions. I most definitely have not pirated the 360 version as I don't own a 360.

The current distribution model for things like games, movies, and music is broken. Digital goods cannot be treated like analog goods successfully- which is why we have piracy. Agree or disagree with piracy it is a fact that you aren't "buying" anything when your purchase games, music, or movies for digital download.

Yeah, but Harden has decided to give up pitching as it's too rough on his arm, and now he just wants to play shortstop.

@mhlaxp: In fact, I remembered some Indiana Jones sets with guns that I saw on this very site.

@lostarchitect: Indeed, my pirates also had musket-like rifle things and pistols, not to mention sabers and cannons (had one that fired bricks via spring-power), and then there were the knights with swords, shields, lances, and if memory servers a catapult. And now that I think about it there were cowboys with

While in Linux I have a bar at the top and the bottom, and I always use the bottom to manage my windows.

@benztown: Yeah, of Fifth Gear and Top Gear, but not D Motor. Thanks though, as an avid torrenter and long time Top Gear fan the site and I met long ago.

My whole family is German, so I was sort of proud of them for shaking off the humorless German sterotype. Until Carsten started whining about his Evo. Sabine cracks a joke, he chuckles briefly, and then goes back to his completely straight-faced "I'm so mad"ing.

The best way to get a full day's supply of Vitamin C is orange juice. Never liked Flintstones vitamins- they tried too hard to be candy.

The first thing I do with any game I buy is crack it so I can avoid that obnoxious DRM, and hopefully it will let me avoid Games for Windows too. GTA multiplayer on 360 was good for 360, but if the gameplay is the same then I can pass on the PC.

Why would you drop another 2 grand on the same hardware that already failed you? Personally in your situation I would buy something to tide me over until I could do my research and purchase a replacement that I haven't had issues with. Maybe it's just me, but if something fails on its own and not through my doing I

Does it support Bonzi Buddy?

Reminds me of Amazon, back in the day, when all the new employees had to build their desks out of doors.

Wow, thanks a ton Lifehacker, I was looking into partition magic the other day but the only version I could get my hands on at work was 8.0- don't know if it's the newest but when I installed it it said it might not work properly with my version of Vista, and I'm not going to risk corrupting several partitions or

The expectations of DRM by these companies are really getting out of hand. First they implement DRM to try and make users treat digital goods like analog ones, and then when users go and treat games like analog goods, they can't handle that either. Not to defend Gamestop, but it's perfectly fair for someone to

I'd have to guess that it's a reference to an upcoming thinner, cheaper, more attractive model, thanks to the new 45nm cell processors.

I can visualize the so-called logic behind this. I'm sure they looked at the original 3 downloads you got and thought "hmm, a lot of people are using all three... guess that means they're all STEALING and we have to put a stop to it!" rather than "hmm, a lot of people are using all three downloads, guess that means

Shooters, definitely. I like the genre and there have been some good ones lately and more good ones coming but dear god the shear magnitude of crap that piles up in this genre is staggering.