
Retro shooters aren’t just retro though. They’re a type of gamedesign in FPS that’s all but forgotten. You only see these absurd speeds, large weapon arsenals and extreme mobility in scifi FPS games, and even then it’s reserved to the endgame when you’ve upgraded your character to hell and back.

>check account
>no posts except this one
>specifically made an account to post that here

“Brossentia suggested that Luz, a non-native-English speaker from Spain, may not have appreciated the full nuance of what he wrote”

That’s the real cosmic horror.

Fun fact, one of the leading literary academics on Lovecraft is a black guy.

Kinda also reminds me of the PX christian image. Since you know, the far-right has their own little civil war between pagan and christian neonazis.

Just a reminder that this behavior in the videogame community is ancient. I remember interviews with the ‘Might and Magic’ devs and ‘Wizardry’ devs that all had to deal with (serious) death threats in the 90's. About what? About injecting scifi-elements into a fantasy game.

I’ve heard that Sam interacts with a poster of Norman Reedus, and that Sam is aware of the ingame camera and reacts to it. So yeah, Kojima PULVERIZED the 4th wall.

The WoW team already ruined Lovecraftian horror by making it just another type of mob to grind.
Rule 1 of making Lovecraftian horror actually horrorific in games: don’t let the player fight it in any effective way.

So if Livestreamfails is such a problem, why doesn’t Reddit kill it already? They’ve killed subreddits for less.

Didn’t help that they said in church that Satan had developed a new weapon to corrupt the youth “Doom”. When I played Doom, I wasn’t just playing a scary game. I was literally communicating with Satan himself.

Pokémon fans whining? You should see the shit I see on the Doom forums.

The best part is that it wouldn’t have mattered who was chanting in the pub... Americans, French, Dutch. They’d all chant “Fuck Trump”. Although I can imagine the Dutch would go a bit further and wish Trump a plethora of deadly (STD) diseases.

I remember playing Breath of Fire 2 as a (young) teen. Halfway through the game, it turns out that the God you’ve worshipped and prayed to is a genocidal sky fascist and that you gotta go kill God. Suddenly, it did make a lot more sense to put a cap in God to end suffering than to suffer for God to reach some

Someone should take a baseball bat to that fuckup’s knees. With rusty nails in it.

Kim playing that fucktarded old fuckwit like the fool he is once again. Give Trump a few symbolic shit moments to paste in the papers, and just go on with the illegal trading, nuclear weapons development, torture and assassinations...

Physical revolution?

This shit is funny to see as a West-European.

Wait what? Americans don’t use “seed”? It’s great. It’s both vulgar and polite. It’s even in tha Bibbulh and goddamn Americans love that crazy book.

Black guy gets stopped by the cops and pulls out his ID: gets shot by the cops