Both and more.
Both and more.
Burn After Reading? That’s what google told me after I googled “George Clooney Dildo Chair Movie”.
Wow, what’s Hannibal doing in a Spiderman movie?
Clearly that matters is how cool your last name is. The coolest name must survive. If you’re called Jones or Smith, fuck right off. It’s survival of the fittest in here.
I wonder if the full scope of conflicts being unveiled means new conflicts will begin brewing.
Still waiting for historically accurate and academic theology correct bible movies.
Pretty sure the whole stinking and smelly underclasses (and upperclasses) only came about after the whole prostestant puritan mess. In medieval times, people were ‘clean’. They just didn’t take care of the bath water and shit and piss right.
Grown ass men behaving like schoolkids so the actual schoolkids use their moms creditcard to sub and donate to the grown ass men.
Far-right/fascist propaganda, reactionary born-again fundamentalist christianity and incel virgin “alpha male” urban legends are one hell of a drug bro.
The more I read shit like this, the more I believe the USA is a fictional dystopian scifi movie made on some fake island in the Atlantic.
If they can believe Satan buried dinosaur bones, they can believe Satan buried a fetus corpse. Sad, but the truth people.
I don’t understand people that try to put history in D&D. D&D is your typical kitchen sink fantasy Americana saturday morning cartoon medieval world. It is not designed for historical roleplaying.
I wonder if people would buy an expansion pack about psychological problems. Of course, EA would be happy to sell it...
Obligatory Japanese Ronald McDonald video.
>budddwaddabout helllury!!!!!!!!!
>butwhatabout hilluray?
Imagine living in Saudi Arabia and owning a significant amount of gay visual novels. Whoops, there goes your head.
Every time I take out a guard post by sniping people in the gut and just Terminator-walk my way to the downed soldiers with the machete in my hand to save bullets, I feel my soul darken a little bit...
I’m a simple man. I see FC2, I read and star. Also, why is no one talking about the fucking cactuses in the desert?
Never trust anyone. Not even yourself. Especially never trust yourself. That’s how you end up an asshole who thinks everyone else is an asshole.