I tend to check out The Root a few times a week, have for a long time, but I never comment here. One of the cool things about getting older is realizing that not everything has to be tailor-made for you and you can seek out other perspectives.
I tend to check out The Root a few times a week, have for a long time, but I never comment here. One of the cool things about getting older is realizing that not everything has to be tailor-made for you and you can seek out other perspectives.
Honestly? I’m just happy it wasn’t another “I’m sorry of you/they were offended” comment. I’ll take the bare minimum of saying “yeah I fucked up” and call it a day.
I’m just glad that I got to comment here before that troll version of Dr. Emilio showed up to Cooy/Paste shit all over the episode in the comments.
I look at it as Lily throwing the gun out of the elevator validated Lyndon’s theory/fix to the system. Forest rejected Lyndon’s theory and fired them on the spot, so Forest and Katie were only ever looking at one possible outcome (which is why they always saw the event happening the same way). Katie was very clear to…
They did actually show the different versions of the branched off simulations very briefly during the conversation between Forest and Lily in the field at the end. Did you notice how several times during Forest’s speech the lighting abruptly changed to a very dark / orangish color? I took that as Devs showing the…
Wicked Games by The Weekend
Same with Rome.
Body Odor
They’re single issue voters and that single issue is abortion. That’s it. That’s all that matters to them.
Given the rating it’ll land on Hulu since Disney controls that as well.
I believe that footage surfaced of her walking out yelling “Yes, let’s celebrate the pedophile.” as she was passing other people. I’d say that’s a pretty pointed walk out that is unambiguous.
Is it weird that I hate everything about this?
This is my shocked face. I’m so damn tired.
I’ll always watch a new Charlie Kaufman movie. Count me in.
Yup, I hear they speak Russian.
I followed it for an hour or so and ended up in a Q-Anon hole. The stuff they believe as objective fact is insane.
It’s the last one.
Thanks for pointing me in this direction. They are in full on meltdown mode over there on Twitter. Wow.
They just like that “he’s a fighter” against their perceived enemies. That’s it. That’s the rub. He can say all the non-PC things that they have been dying to say in public.