Left Hook

If you gave me an adaptation of the old Xbox BioWare game Jade Dragon I’d be down. Take your star. 


I’d just like the option to play it turn based. Doesn’t need to be the default option, just an option. I’m fine with what they showed, but again, just an option would be nice.

I don’t even like baseball but this would convince me to be a fan. 

It’s proof that the most powerful thing in the universe is a known IP.

I read this and audibly sighed at how correct you probably are. 

As someone who is marathoning Battlestar Galactica for the millionth time I approve. I had forgotten just how many times the phrase “Galactica Actual” gets said over the course of that series. 

I don’t think there are cameras at Sr.’s house because there is an easier way to expose the Connerty brothers. Remember that they both spoke out loud right after entering the apartment. That area is a common area, which means it is bugged, which means it’s just a matter of time before someone else hears them both on

Jay & Silent Bob Reboot has already wrapped and will be out later this year.

This show could go on for another 5 seasons and Senior would never learn that kid’s name. I appreciate the consistency.

The Burger King in that same town tweeted a message reminding everyone that they were still selling milkshakes and included the hashtag #justsayin

I didn’t want to Star this but I did. God help me. 

That MIGHT be my favorite video of all time. Like, sure, YouTube is just filled with videos of people opening up boxes or eating Kinder Eggs, but it also has Buzz Aldrin punching out an asshat.

I wonder if Peyton will add this line to the insurance jingle he seems incapable of finishing. 

Ha! Solid gold. 

Now playing

This one will always be my favorite. Dots dots dots!

“Unplugged-controller Steph” is fantastic. Thanks for the laugh. 

That was great, thanks for sharing this. Also, thank you for your continued diligence on handing that Capn3000 guy his ass. It’s both amusing and appreciated. 

I just want the option to play it turn-based. Doesn’t have to be the default, I just want the option. Give me that and I’ll gladly pay whatever they want.

In my opinion Game of Thrones has always been a series about the machinations of humans seeking the Iron Throne. The White Walkers were always on the outside as a looming threat but didn’t play a big role in the core story of Game of Thrones.