
"In 1577, the minute hand was added by a Swiss clock maker, Jost Burgi (who also is a contender for the invention of logarithms), and was incorporated into a clock Burgi made for astronomer Tycho Brahe, who had a need for more accuracy as he charted the heavens."

6.5M ;^) I'd love to have one.

Gratz sir, this woman will be along to wax your... ahem Elise soon.

Raphael hit the head in the nail, they had their eyes covered the whole time. Didn't realise anything was happening until the tent fell on them.

I generally abhor the idea of being a secondary owner of a franken-project but for some reason I kind of dig what appears to be a really detailed job well done here.

That would go perfectly with the island I want to get.

Buy a Neon: deserve your fate.

"banning eating, drinking any beverages, gazing out the window and even changing radio stations"

Don't touch the artist... maybe?

I call shenanigans, you sound bitter. I've seen him multiple times and never seen anything even remotely close to this type of behavior.

We need to see a before and after of this group.

Mariah Carey Wins American Idol *crazy* Diva Musical Chairs

Sorry for not understanding this already but are all reviews done on an even playing field or is it per class? like is this a 72/100 for a luxury sedan or is it a strait up 72/100 vs the 2013 Hyundai Elantra's 57/100? Making the Elantra seem fine by comparison...

handsomeassnigga: Just spent all my show money (200K) starting a fire ..... Cash !!!! Maybe I'll be cold again tomorrow... Maybe I wont !!! #ShouldntHaveEverGaveThemLoggsNoMoney

Looks like a good project piece.

<— this

1) Any fictional series where every model is made by one company.

Please let me borrow your expensive object as I need something/to be somewhere/children/wedding.

Will you be appearing on Top Shot next year?

Gratz on London and the Shelby Cobra. What car would you like as your next project?