
Let me rephrase: Is it a bad sign when Americans need to go to crowdsourcing on the internet to pay for their lifesaving medical care?

So is it a bad sign when celebrities have to ask me for money for their life-or-death medical needs?

Whatever, as long as Foggy's still in it I'm willing to roll with it. if it ends up being terrible, they'll do their whole "uh, sorry, this never happened, let's go back to status quo" thing they've only done 800 times in their comics.

Why is Bane wearing a tracksuit?

I think it serves to nicely contrast with the Marvel films.

Right, see, I had to learn THAT on the internet because I didn't see the Norton movie.

I did spent a moment going, "Wait … is it 'cuz he gets really big? Will he just crush her? Did they try this and it didn't work? Oh gross, now I'm imagining it."

Apparently, (a) there was some reference to why Hulk can't have sex having been established in the Norton movie and (b) "Veronica" was named such before his girlfriend was Betsy.

They need to stop referencing events in the Norton Hulk movie, because that's one of the two movies I didn't see (the other was Thor The Dark World). Easter Eggs are one thing, but navigating the references are sort of a mess.

Is following this this getting to be like homework to anyone else?

I love Toby Jones. I'm glad to see him getting more work. It is hard to imagine him as Pilcher because Toby is ADORABLE.

Warning: There is not enough food and it sucks.

Looks like I gave the book away when I cleaned out this summer, but as I recall the book ended with all the survivors (there being almost none, because of stupid) deciding just to go back into cryofreeze indefinitely and hope someone eventually found them and woke them up.

Pam did want to fuck him, kind of for the sake of it. It was something she did. She became so ridiculously unreliable as a character, it was a wonder that she kept around and given any position of responsibility at all.

The author had no right to invoke Twin Peaks or Twilight Zone in his notes. He is nowhere NEAR those two. It's like a first time shitty memoir writer invoking Hemingway.

I wrote one of the Kindle Worlds books for this series after reading the first two, and I have to say the last one is so incredibly stupid until the last line, which is genius. Pure genius. I burst out laughing.

"You're gonna have to get used to this."

Oh no, an SVU-themed one would get approximately 6 episodes in before they worked Darwin into the plot for the shock value.

On Hulu it's the same.

If we keep it up with carbon emissions our homes will be underwater by default.