
Does this make me drunker than normal alcohol?

Who wants to stroke my eggplant? Anybody?

Why isn't there a cooking/food blog from Gawker Media? We should have one!

The Coke one is the best way, by far. Though I still prefer the taste of some hot Chicken Soup.

Does it come with 1,051 Famicom systems?

OH SNAP! You guys are racister than I could ever imagine. Congratulations.


Did you mean to put the title like that?

I live in Hong Kong... so double for me!

Looks TT ish.

Call of Duty 4 2: A Little Bit More Modern Warfare Than Last Time

CNN the Game?

And sadly, Ford will be dead long before they roll it out everywhere...

Can I just buy their airplane division for $4.50?

Makes sense. Home is for PlayStation players to group together and to meet up, whereas Second Life is one big Red Light District.

Saint's Row 2 for PC? Now it's competing for space with GTA 4. Hope it doesn't turn my computer into a bullet-ridden Nazi.

So? What about UK companies? What about companies out of Illinois? I don't understand.

What? I thought it was Ron Jeremy.