
VIP? El Presidente is back!

Less ambitious = spinoff.


Headcrab! My favorite!

Aw, man. I prefer Esquire. Much more classy.

Dumbass. Leaving home because his parents took away his 360 (for good reason)? Canada is turning into the new America.

I'm gonna buy 320 copies and multibox!

When I was in Paris this April, I saw ads for the 360 with these ridiculously cheap deals. I was like, "No fucking way! How can it get any cheaper?"

Being the RTS whore that I am, I'm looking forward to EndWar the most. I'm gonna pick it up for PS3, PSP and I most probably will get it for PC next year. Call me sad, but whatever.

Damn, I didn't preorder. I'm looking forward to Steam Cloud, really. L4D still won't beat TF2 in terms of MP.

Noooooooo! I want Red Faction!

I was playing this last week, and to quote Kiefer:

I can't see her birth mark thing!

What's with the sexual references?

So in the game, you play as this fat guy. You use the mouse to move side to side to get near a bunch of people. Then you left-click and he blows up. That's it. Game over. You win if you kill a ton of people. This is a great party game, I might add.

I suggest y'all read Everything Bad Is Good For You by Steven Johnson. He makes a point about how games can be used as a way to quell our anger, because instead of IRL shooting the place up, you can do it in the comfort of your own home on your 360.

Played it on PS3 and 360, the visuals are more or less the same. But that's probably because I only have a 1080i TV.

So AMW is hinting that he is a killer...because he plays first person shooters! What is he going to do, rob a liquor store/Gamestop in Lower Manhattan?

I have a Core 2 Extreme dual core proc from 06, it should be OK.

What would happen if Tiff Needell drove it?