
This I why I love the Source engine. Scalable, realistic, well made, and allows for mods to be made easily.

Well of course his parents wouldn't buy him one. It doesn't exist.

That is a big penis...Lex Steele couldn't match that.

Armored bears? I wonder where I saw that...oh right, that shitty game that is Golden Compass.

I am hyped about this. Fallout and Fallout 2 were my top favorite games of all time. I hope this will trump that!

Russians need the Americans' help, huh? How much oil money will these generate?

I like that music. And why does all the games come from JapanStudio?

What an idiot TSA people are nowadays. I remember I saw somebody carrying a Playbill magazine (those stage musical mags) and the TSA guy thought it was porn.

Oh, wow. A replacement for the Home button which is a PS logo which is...the Home button.

Thank you, social engineers. Now, let me get back to my GTA4 on my PS3.

Hmmm, I don't like PSP FPS.

I hate Molyneux.

@tomassetti13: Yeah, didn't think that one through, did I? Cross out the word joint, and write Asbestos.

Hmmm, hitting zombie black people may be fun for the redneck hicks down south, but not for me. Not that I have morals or I'm scared, just that I prefer the arcadey style of Dead Rising.

I hate it. It sucks and I can't believe themes will still work. This is the worst step Microsoft has ever taken. I hope it goes the way of the Zune and Microsoft Bob. Now, to get back to my PS3 XMB...

I'm gonna stick with EndWar. Halo Wars ain't my cup of tea.

Music...meh. Simlish...die. Game...MUST BUY ANYWAY!

It's intriguing. Not good, but intriguing.

@Woden501: That's exactly what I thought when I saw it. Where's the Wii one, though?

3D game on the DS with GTA on it? Ouch. Is this going to be the GTA4 Liberty City or the GTA3 Liberty City? Because if it's the new one, then this means that sometime in the near future there will be a GTA4 Stories or something on the PSP, you wait and see. You saw it here first, folks.