
Damn, she is hot. See, girl gamers aren't always ugly.

Oh my god, I need to get out my copy of Quake 3. No wait, I think I bought it (again) off Steam. Jackpot!

At the boardroom:

I remember the times when I "accidentally" hit porn sites when I was (censored).

It is extremely sad. I played it all the way to the end (plus cutscenes, I might add) and when it got to the bit at the end, I cried. I am a male PS3 player, and I cried.

You stuck to the beer? Good choice. Although, I wouldn't mind trying Lenin's Tomb, but whateva...

Butt fugly.

This should also come with Will Wright's sperm sample. Wait, what?

I motherfucking hate that game. But anyway, here in Hong Kong where I live, I see people with their PSPs playing this shite game, and I once saw a Monster Hunter LAN party. Yeah, I know, the PSP doesn't have LAN, but they were playing over the WLAN as a group of people.

NYT should stop pretending to be hip and cool with their fancy words melded into game reviews.

I saw a guy with an eyepatch!

Even an 8800 Ultra kicks its ass. Ouch.

It's funny, because I was playing Counter-Strike last night, and I was using a Nabisco M4 Carbine, shooting at SpongeBob Squarepants characters, while trying to defuse a Wendy's burger bomb. And I enjoyed it.

Selling Crysis for 3 Monopoly dollars! Only previously used as a coaster for maple syrup! Not bad, eh?

Oh, crap here we go again. But as long as it's not made by either Uwe Boll or the guy who directed the Doom movie, I'm cool with that. Peter Jackson would be an ideal producer/director, while Paul Greengrass should be given a restraining order from the camera, unless he promises to use a Steadicam.

Stereotypes, huh? What about a black soldier with...grape soda, fried chicken, and watermelons.

@sir_carrot: Damn you, CliffyB is dead! Dead I tell you! Call him Blesz...something. Or Cliffster.

Looks a bit like Mystery PI from PopCap.

Crysis on Wii and Xbox 360 is a dumb idea. The processing power needed to run it on PC is barely good enough, unless you have a disposable income and bought yourself a GTX 280. The PS3 might have the power to run it, as we have seen proof you can actually make good games that look good that people want to buy with