
Witcher 3, all the way! I’m going to try and play a bit differently this time: stop relying on the nilfgaard gwent deck, switch up the skill tree, play on hard mooode.

Oh. You’re back! Welcome back! Maybe your wrecked it burning massive amounts copies of your new CD? press vinyl and DL codes next time! :)

A Witcher HBO series would be so damn great (I realize it was a novel first, but still).

I had convinced myself that was Carrie Brownstein in the header GIF, but she was probably out touring at this time, not testing Sega games.

I just bought xcom 2, but there hasn’t been much I’ve wanted to play since Fallout 4 failed me so horribly. I did just finish Ori and the Blind Forest. That was great, but short.

I pretty much barf in my mouth whenever I see the word “problematic” in journalism, but this seems like the perfect application of the word.

This week I’m playing with my new Ableton Push. WOOO. Just gonna leave Steam off until the next Witcher 3 expansion is released.

I had to go finish undertale so that I could listen to my favorite video game podcast.

whelp, now I have to go beat Asgore so I can listen to my second favorite podcast without spoilers.

I just finished the heart of stone DLC. It’s got to be the best story based DLC ever right?

From a story perspective I prefer a faction with questionable ethics be present rather then the milquetoast faction. If Preston was a colourful or interesting character he might be able to redeem the faction... or just end up seeming out of place.

“...would you like be making fuck?..BUURZERKER!!!”

Do you need a subscription to plex for it to stream over you LAN? I stream over the PS4 with the Media Player app (Goodbye PS3... finally) and it plays almost everything, but I’ve had some trouble with files that have sub titles.

If this is true, and how I wish it were, Trump would go from the most hate-loved media caricature to Bill Murray status overnight. What a thing that would be.

hmmmm, now I want to try dropping those Minutemen artillery smoke grenades on the Prydwen.

Itsy bitsy spoilers ahead

Great idea, I’m going to follow your example. It’s basically the same as the Witcher 3 travel system.

YAY! I’ve been looking forward to your review, Patricia, and you made the deadline you set on the podcast, so congrats on that.

Actual drinking game I play with buddies in Destiny PvP: every time you kill a player with “420” in their PSN you drink. Two matches and our shooting goes to shit.

I don’t have a screencap handy, but she looks exactly like the character my girlfriend and I spent 3 hours making. super cute! We had more freckles on our lady tho.