
Should we remove Mount Rushmore?

For some insights into George and Martha Washington as slave owners, I highly recommend the book “Never Caught” by Erica Armstrong Dunbar. Dunbar documents the decades-long, unrelenting fight the Washington’s waged for the return of Ona Judge who ran away from their Philadelphia home. 

If McCain can’t tell the difference between a statue honoring someone and a comedic role in a movie she’s either deliberately trying provide cover for racists or she’s clinically brain dead.

Who sits around and worries that they may not be able to catch a re-run of “Night at the Museum”? 

While I get that they wanted their approach to vegan food to stand apart from the glowy pastel smoothies-and-yoga-pants aesthetic that was so prevalent at the time, they should have apologized and dropped the shtick the minute it became known they were a couple of white people. It’s a shame too because their recipes

They are easily accessible, inexpensive, and fresher because they’re frozen almost immediately after picking and processing.

That’s fucked up and not at all what we want to stand for. We apologize. We recognize we need to do better.

Dude... you realize the cults name is based in another language, right? Lol “Thug” or “Thuggee” in Sanskrit (what I’m assuming the cults language would be because thats the de facto religious language for hinduism) wouldn’t mean the same as “thug” or “thuggy” in English.

This is a random nit-pick that is not the point of the article, but aren’t frozen vegetables actually perfectly fine and nutritious to eat?

Putting aside the racial connotations of their brand, I’ve always found it very cringey as well. I get we all need a schtick, but not this one. 

I’ve got a great name for them: “Lady A’s Kitchen.

As Mississippi Masala details, during the late 19th century, British colonizers used indentured servants from India to construct the Ugandan Railway system. Some of those laborers chose to stay in the country after their contracts were done, and eventually rose to positions of economic prosperity.

Dr. Burke and Dr. Yang (who almost got married) from Grey’s Anatomy were a black man and Asian woman.

I don’t even see it as being about her personally. I figured he meant he was finished with everything except press. Meaning ‘you’ more generally, as in ‘you, the press.’ I do think the phrasing was purposely to allow possible personal interpretation, but I don’t find it creepy in the least. It’s like if I’m at a

Yeah, it was clearly in reference to the interview. This shouldn’t be a thing. It’s kinda depressing that people are so hot for the take-down that they will totally disregard, like, basic syntax.

My thoughts as well. Although he probably could’ve worded differently. I think his intent wasn’t to be inappropriate, but to flatter. 

RE: Jim Carrey

Sure he wasn’t talking about being interviewed by her? Like it was a magnanimous compliment that she’s a great journalist and being interviewed by her was on his bucket list? That’s how I interpreted it, especially since he then says “It’s all done now.” He can’t be talking about fucking her because he hasn’t, so it’s

The really self-righteous animal people always bug me because if they want to get into some kind of animal purity contest with me, I will win, but I also never talk about it unless I'm asked. People like that usually just went "freegan" recently.

She replied pretty graciously, IMO. And honestly, I’m a vegetarian who doesn’t wear leather or animal products, but there is a better way to get your message out than their methods, which are gross.