
Especially considering that your response was the exact reason why all of those people are reacting this way. They probably haven't been around black babies and that's why they think it makes sense to question her appearance. What exactly is offensive about telling someone that they don't know something because they

I'm a Black girl with long hair, so the hair checks bug the shit out of me. I've only flown twice (technically four because of the round trip) in the last few months, but I notice when it happens to me and not others.

The comments on Gawker about this baby's coloring and hair* made me rub my temples. Why did I do it?

Ron and Hermione all day, baby. Oh, the wars, the ship naming (I believe in trees), and the character degrading fanfiction of Ron to prove H/Hr. I do miss the magic.

Another horrible HP pairing I've seen: Filch/Mrs. Norris. I've even seen Hogwarts/Giant Squid . . . .

I still don't know how I feel about Jack and Sam not getting together. And then there was that alternate reality episode in season 8/9 where they kiss in the puddlejumper (?) after she admits to be attracted to him over Daniel. I'm not one to say that sci-fi shows shouldn't have romance (I love Eureka's

I've been watching Grey's since it premiered. I will not abide Avery/Kepner. Grey's has done worse pairings (fucking Gizzie!), but A/K? Do not want.

I'm a Daniel/Emily shipper because the fact that Jack is suppose to be harboring feelings for a girl he knew when he was 9 or so bugs me. Also, Daniel is very attractive and seems like the only good Grayson. I like the chemistry and, plainly, I want the drama of having to work through destroying the love of your

Caroline has been paired with every guy on the show except for Jeremy and Stefan (not for lack of trying). I do like her with Tyler though. Damn you and your siring, Klaus.

Oh, the infamous mugglenet interview. The Harmonians were not pleased.

All I have to say to that is: BOOM!

Ah, I love that gif. It's one of my favorites in the pile.

Along with the people mentioned by others I think just a quick listing of some Harlem Ren era figures would be a good start: W.E.B Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Alain Locke, and Claude McKay for a few. You could list barrier breakers (Thurgood Marshall) or people who brought innovation to the arts: Alvin Ailey, Katherine

And with a perfect gif of Idris to match. I dig frustrated Elba.

He sings a little Marvin and a little Stevie. Oh, Obamas you know how to get to me.

I feel tricked. I was expecting actual dancing. Drats.

When I saw the headline this video was the very first thing I thought about. Kid, you will be kicked in the face and the world will laugh for years.

I've been wanting to see this film since watching the trailer awhile back. I have a soft spot for the lead because she was in Akira's Hip Hop Shop, the screening led to a very interesting conversation on a "first date" with my ex. I shall be seeing this when it comes to Chicago or Detroit.

Oh yea. I wish someone had told me this a few years ago.

*This is in the wrong spot*