
I agree that this is likely their strategy, but I don’t anticipate this strategy will work.

There MUST be something like that going on. Unless it’s just a case of “we’ll, we can’t oppose all his picks, who are we, Mitch McConnell?”

Reactions like yours are why national politics is as dysfunctional as it is.

I’m going to guess that this is the reason—DeVos, Puzder, Sessions are worth devoting lots of energy/time.

There is a small part of me that thinks this is part of a “lose a battle; win the war” strategy. As in let this one go in order to stop a worse pick, then go back and get rid of him after he has hung himself.

This is what I’m really hoping, especially with Devos...

I can only assume (hope?) they are backing him because they have bigger fish to fry in terms of the cabinet nominees (like they’ve made a deal that they’ll back him if so-and-so doesn’t back someone else?). This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.

Yeah, not even a dog “for show!”

Hitler also loved animals. It’s typical of a sociopaths. Trump doesn’t even have that going for him.

Let’s also not forget that it is entirely plausible that this whole thing got started because he got his little old feelings hurt because Obama dropped some sick burns on him during a meaningless speech. I don’t really know about emotional intelligence and all that but his emotional IQ has got to be, like, zero.

I think it would be easier to make a flow chart of what Trump and the feds aren’t doing wrong. :O

I need a legit flow chart of everything Trump / the Government is doing wrong, updated by the hour.

Does anyone want to turn this into a website with me?


we really need to start trolling him direcetly on twitter

And this is four fucking days into his administration. I can’t even. How long before Trump goes full Network on live TV?

“Sacrifices leaver your business” is the ‘alternative fact’ version of “Still hasn’t sacrificed a damn thing for this country in his life”.

It’s not about one tweet, it’s not about one picture, it’s about a constant theme. It’s about sitting here every time, and being told, “No. Well we don’t think he can do that, he’ll never accomplish that, he can’t win that, it won’t be the biggest, it’s not gonna be that good, the crowds aren’t that big, he’s not

I’m sure I’m in the minority here but what made Trump’s remarks so vile is that he made them in front of the Memorial Wall at the CIA. Those stars represent operatives killed in the line of duty who can’t be honored by name because of the nature of their activities.

it’s a little demoralizing to turn on the tv day after day and hear...

Congratulations, America! You’ve given the keys to nuclear holocaust to a man who can be triggered by a fucking goddamn tweet...