
I marched in Portland, Maine today and instead of the 2000 people that were expected, over 10,000 showed up. It was an incredible experience to be surrounded by families and friends (and many, many men and children) who were just happy to celebrate the causes they believed in. Women’s rights, climate change,

Guys, I’m so proud of everyone who marched today. Please share any thoughts, photos, or experiences so I can fully express my gratitude.

Stronger Together, huh? Where have I heard that before...????

How many of the wee Trumpkins on that “unity bridge” (I’m thinking...Tacoma Narrows?) were men?

My local march wasn’t nearly this interesting but i’m sorta glad it was more about fun than anything else, even the few cops around it seemed to be having fun, but I live in a super blue state so I guess i’m lucky it still would have be cool to go to this one and stick out like a sore thumb there too!

“We’re stronger when you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you.”

“I want to unite everybody because as a team we’re stronger together.”

As a 100% history nerd I feel like I am required to now follow this account.

Omg this is awesome.

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, my God, sorry, I know this has nothing to do with the subject of this article, but I need to share in hope that maybe Jezebel or one of the sub blogs make a post about it: I’m the translator for the Brazilian version of the @RealTimeWWII account on Twitter (the Brazilian versions is @2aGM_TempoReal).

People are making hateful comments on the live footage of the marches, so if you get a coup,e of minutes to yourself, I recommend love bombing the shit out of them. Hopefully your daughter gets well soon 💕

I second this. I’m in the UK, and couldn’t go to London today and am devastated. Watching all you amazing women, men and children and crying with joy. Nothing but love for you all ❤️

I absolutely hate that I couldn’t make it. We had planned on attending our local march, but my daughter was up all night with a fever. So here are, all of us, doing our women’s work - me, mothering; you, working today so that you can take care of yourself on Monday; and hundreds of thousands of our sisters, friends,

My husband bailed too. He did a night out with the boys (after promising he was just stopping by for 1 drink), and is currently still snoring.

We do need men to take sides. If they don’t oppose evil, they’re basically sanctioning it. There’s no such thing as an innocent bystander for some issues.

May you and your husband, and all others out protesting in our great city stay safe today! Over 50k people are expected to be there.

Edited to include you in the well wishes! Didn’t realize you were there too!

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

I live in a very conservative suburb of Chicago. Imagine my delighted surprise to see 200+ women, young girls and some men (my hubby included ❤) at the station this morning headed to the march. Several packed trains passed us by.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):