
Oh, definitely! I meant that’s what Trump wants.

They’d better not behave. They’d better be unruly as fuck.

So this is a warning, and the press should think of the next press conference as their last chance to “behave” if they don’t want to be kicked out for good.

You have to give Trump credit where credit is due: he’s been able to find/attract plenty of scrupleless to do his dirty work for him. This Sean person seems like

Spicer said “There’s been so much interest in covering a President Donald Trump... Is a room that has forty-nine seats adequate?” because it is a fucking game that they think they won and now they get to make people pay for every perceived slight that they imagined by being petty pricks.

“weaselheaded fucknugget”

This is the way the world ends

I’m guessing he’ll go the Cinco De Mayo route and tweet a picture of him eating fried chicken and watermelon and saying “Happy MLK Day! Trump tower makes the best chicken!”

Mass media in the U.S. is wholly controlled by just 6 corporations. 3 of of them known neocon bastions. The other 3 leaning very right.

So happy that I still get to call Scotland home for a few more months.

Wait, is he saying we aren’t allowed to be angry and untrusting?

Well, I guess that’s one way of uniting a divided country...

I can’t wait to see what he tweets tomorrow on MLK Day.

He’s good for ratings.

There needs to be a sea of Soviet Union flags at the inauguration.

The incoming president needs a “safe space” so the press won’t hurt his widdle fee fees.

If the press was the way it was 20-30 years ago, the press would have torn him apart. But for some reason the major networks are bending themselves into pretzels to please him. It’s not a surprise to see a shift to make Breibart and Say Anything become “official” outlets from White House, but I am surprised that

Mother Jones has an article of Russians noting his press conference went a lot like Putin’s, only with the press still trying to be reporters and not going full fluff.

He’s really following the Great Dictators Handbook, isn’t he. Disgusting.

This is going to be the worst season of ‘The West Wing’ ever.

Something about this seems… infantilizing. Can we not show solidarity without resorting to wearing silly looking hats in a gender-stereotyped color? If we want to be taken seriously, I think the worst way to go about it is to make ourselves look ridiculous.