Trevor Noah has improved, but Seth Meyers has been doing this longer. I feel like years of weekend update was practice for stuff like this.
Trevor Noah has improved, but Seth Meyers has been doing this longer. I feel like years of weekend update was practice for stuff like this.
I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.
Take anyone successful at standup comedy and they will mop the floor when handling a buffoon.
I am right there with you. I have warned my parents that if she’s on TV and I walk into the room, they better turn the channel or risk said TV flying out the window.
He’s become one of my favorite late night people over the past year.
Yup. Mr. Julius has the plausible deniability that comes along with mental illness, but she’s straight up peddling in hate for personal gain. As is everyone Trump surrounds himself with.
Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?
I still refuse to listen to this woman speak. So, I can’t bring myself to watch the video.
I, for one, welcome Peeghazi and accept it as fact.
If this same shit were circulating about Hillary Clinton, trump would’ve claimed it as fact at a debate.
On the one hand, this story is probably bullshit.
They didn’t want to make too much of a splash.
It may seem cliche at this point, but it bears repeating that, IF Donald Trump did hire Russian hookers to preform a golden shower, it would be the the most tremendously classy and absolutely terrific Russian hooker golden shower performance ever.
They couldn’t publish this shit before the election?
When Chris Christie was spotted hiding in the corner of the room, an aide started toward him to remove him, until Trump said, ‘No. Do not alert him of my presence. I shall deal with him myself.’
They have to bring up Hillary because it keeps them from thinking about Trump.
Is he implying the Trump pick has been lying his entire life??? FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS... you’re all whiny bitchey snowflakes... blah blah blah.. ignore reality!!!
He was 59 when Barron was conceived, and old semen is the relatively recently agreed upon likeliest cause by the medical community. Not her fault but Melania should’ve used a surrogate. I mean, she has horrible taste in men, don’t get me wrong, but.
It’s not like Trump’s fucked up genes could be at fault or anything!