I second this. It’s no problem with elongated toilets (like many public places have), but your average toilet isn’t long enough to do both comfortably at once if you’re a bigger person.
I second this. It’s no problem with elongated toilets (like many public places have), but your average toilet isn’t long enough to do both comfortably at once if you’re a bigger person.
If everyone had more ribs, this could’ve been avoided.
I occasionally drink milk, but it’s almost never plain unless it’s being consumed with cereal or peanut butter and jelly.
Why don’t they release a stand alone Virtual Console store for the PC? It would basically be Nintendo’s Steam with all of their older games. That’s a huge market that hasn’t even begun to be tapped by Nintendo.
I agree with the music part. A lot of the music I want to listen to I can find on Google Play Music. Video game music is one that I still need to find from other sources.
From what I’ve read over the years, they’ve largely stopped doing demos because they have to basically treat it as a complete game with regards to the coding and bug testing and stuff.
Exactly. The desire for retro titles is a market that hasn’t really been touched. Nintendo is the biggest offender in not making their back catalog of older games (SNES, N64, Gamecube) accessible for purchase. Virtual Console was supposed to be the answer to that, but it’s been mostly junk.
$60 games should be coming complete out of the box, not being half-assed and requiring a “Day 1 Patch” to be playable.
That’s true. However, a lot of DLC is often fluff that really should’ve been part of the game in the first place. Not being part of the final game to begin with means it wasn’t really essential.
I’d say there’s another pirate type in there who has maybe already bought a game for a different platform and doesn’t want to rebuy it just to play it again on a different platform (for example, buying a game on PS4, but then later pirating the same game on PC so you can use mods for it).
Pricing for games can be problematic (digital versions of games being just as expensive as their physical counterparts), but I don’t believe microtransactions are necessarily bad. It just depends on how they’re handled and what content they lock.
Annual titles are almost never given time to breath because they make too much money from people who will buy the game anyway even if it is half-assed.
After No Mercy, that is the 2nd best wrestling game of all time. The intro to Revenge, however, is better than the intro to No Mercy.
All they really needed to do to make the greatest wrestling game of all time was improve No Mercy’s graphics, add in the myriad of customization options now available (Create-An-Arena/Belt/Story, etc.), and update the roster. It seems like as the games have gotten more realistic, they’ve grown less fun.
The reversal and submission systems in the AKI games were great. Two players who knew the timing could get into a tense back and forth reversal fight. This was the last series that I felt had a good submission system. It didn’t have the silly button mashing and timing systems that have plagued all the Smackdown games…
I would like to see The Shield vs The Bullet Club.
Mine too! I don’t want my Lions to be the only 0-16 losers in the NFL!
I would love to see that too, but it won’t happen. Too much money involved.
I feel like I’ve done that before. Probably just needs to rest up for a few days. The ankle can be surprisingly elastic.
I agree. He has improved in the ring since then, but they’ve not really altered his course much. Maybe this brief Shield reunion can kind of reset him. They probably should’ve turned him heel and just had him play into the heat he was getting at the time. Run with what the audience wants for a little while and…