I still believe Trump is purposely putting on a show designed to cripple the GOP from within and make the party politically toxic for many years to come.
I still believe Trump is purposely putting on a show designed to cripple the GOP from within and make the party politically toxic for many years to come.
You know what they say: there’s a sucker born every minute.
No, no. The clip and cramped space forced me to buy an inspection mirror and study it to figure out how to move it. While it was 20 degrees out to boot.
The low beam bulbs on my Mazda 3 say hi.
Actually, every new technology that has enabled some form of recording or duplication has been attacked: VCR, cassette tapes, blank CDs, MP3 players, Napster, torrents, etc.
At that point, it’s part of the secondhand market and no further money is owed back to the original creators/publishers. Same with any other kind of secondhand market.
I hover at about 6 hours myself on my work nights, but I often sleep longer on my days off.
It does ever since they made it the Undertaker’s only real weapon against him.
It isn’t going so well because the audience knows it is completely fabricated and is just a retread of the exact same John Cena formula they’ve used for the last decade. There’s been plenty of guys that fans have naturally gotten behind and cheered for them to reach the next level, but because that was organic and not…
Yes, yes, I can vouch for the internal spaghetti that also occurs inside a computer case.
Not really a horror story, but I will say this: replacing a motherboard is a pain in the ass and it’s worse the more you have connected to it.
You’d be surprised at how many people can totally screw up simple assignments.
What I feel should happen is if he’s cleared to wrestle, treat him like they treat Lesnar and have him really wrestle only at the PPVs or special events. Don’t have the guy taking useless hits night after night on Raw/Smackdown/house shows. Bryan is popular enough that he doesn’t have to wrestle all the time. Save him…
Being late firmly falls under the “shit happens” category. If you’ve been fortunate enough to never be late, good for you. I’ve never been all that concerned about whether I’m late or not, but I do try to avoid it if I can.
A cold bed is mentioned in the video as one of the 10 winter life hacks in addition to the thermostat trick.
I have no issue with getting into a cold bed. I sleep with a fan on all year round. I’d rather my sleeping quarters be a bit on the cold side than the hot. Much more difficult to sleep when you’re hot.
That’s sad. If it is that far along, Mort is probably leaving to be with his family and friends in his final days. No matter the person, knowing your time is nearing its end has to be heartbreaking.