Ms. Chanandler Bong
Ms. Chanandler Bong
Yes, for the love of God!
Your Majesty is like a stream of bat piss.
"Season One"
The wheels are in motion!
Questlove interviewed about Iggy (among many many other things) this summer:
…we're playing Connect Four!
I was iffy on the spinoff concept, but this has got me interested.
Wow, they have not earned my viewership for Season Two. One and done for me, thanks.
I also really liked The Blind Assassin.
Well, he IS the Fitz Whisperer.
I think Tripp had to go once they realized that Mack was really more the character they and we wanted.
no, they could just use Khan's blood to bring him back to life, dummy.
that's why he sleeps with so many women!!
Maybe you just can't make a good Fantastic Four movie, for some reason.
and he was so great in Much Ado About Nothing! Shakespeare's lines came out of his mouth with a naturalism that i have not often heard.