Childish Callow Gleam

disappointed in lack of F

still unfixed.

This review sounds better than a B, but i guess Nabin might be a bit more stringent with the grades than the rest of the AV Club?

Well, they used Season of the Witch in To Die For.

Just like the original!

If you don't recognize them, you have been missing out.  Well, maybe not with Andrew Stevens.

Liked, and by liked i mean disappointed and trudging away slowly, wondering if Bryan Fuller shouldn't try a Kickstarter, too.

I went to the kickstarter page, and during the five or so minutes i was reading it, another 10k came in.  They're at almost a million already!  This is happening.

you know, that is a good point.

The music's really good, though.

".. with Alexis Denisof (How I Met Your Mother)"

See, now that would be great.

*shudders, forces grin, tries not to vomit*

Master ninja!!

don't call it that!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…WAIT.

If you listen to that Velvet Underground live album from 1993, you'll find it astonishingly good.

Don't call it that.

I want Allison Williams to be a better actress than she is.  I like a lot of what she does with Marnie, and i think she fits the character, but the directors need to take a firmer hand.

Honestly.  It's distracting.