That T-Pain tweet is the ultimate “stars, they’re just like us!”
That T-Pain tweet is the ultimate “stars, they’re just like us!”
Jeez, that looks like somebody melted Clint Eastwood in drag.
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?
So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their…
Was thinking the same thing. I mean, I find my own kids pretty cute, but I’m going to print that picture out and hang it on their wall to give them something to strive for (and a complex).
I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.
If you’re going to move it, move it to February which is a WAY worse month than January. I’m a fan of having it when it is though, you know if it was moved into Jan or Feb the advertisers would STILL start talking about it sometime in October, so that would end up being a month more of Christmas sales and Christmas…
Nope, incorrect (not about the cherry pie, that shit is gross). But pecan pie is a flavor gift from the gods and does not deserve such disrespect.
have you seen “7 days in hell”? He was funny.
I for one am not. I cringe whenever these two are onscreen together.
Please let it be BJ’s, please let it be BJ’s.
Veruca Salt, Buffalo Tom, Poe, The Cranberries, Pavement, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Silverchair, Garbage...
This isn’t even the worst thing.
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
I love The Rock and I don’t feel bad about it.
Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”
I saw those photos and was genuinely get hand picked by designers to go to one of the fucking fanciest parties in the country and you go and snap selfies and smoke in the bathroom like you are at a fucking rave. What is that?
You kids and your Tweeters and Instaspams and Fumblers and Book of Many Faces. I my day we AOL instant messaged like the good Lord intended, I’ll tell you what. Why, we’d have to be at our desktop CPUs and sit for hours to LOL and BRB ourselves into oblivion.