Stop the false narrative. Young people are carriers. 1 carrier on average infects six people. Not exactly the folks you want out and about.
Stop the false narrative. Young people are carriers. 1 carrier on average infects six people. Not exactly the folks you want out and about.
Thanks for your opinion. lol
I am buying this because it's an Xbox.
Ffinal Station is so good and the ending is worth it! #thatendingwow
I am hoping he quits. I am actually hoping all streamers quit. I miss well produced high quality content and I am not a hater. Streamers just have watered down the entertainment medium and there are only demos on 10% of games these days. Half the time when I see a stream it’s a damn infomercial for a game. #endrant
No thanks.
It’s the second sister.
Glad to see. I don't want the kids moving on to games I enjoy.
This has been fixed. May want to update the article.
Was there any information regarding REACH being added to the console version?
Or everyone could just stop watching them.
I just came to verify people are still buying EA games. Confirmed!
Wanna sell it?? ;)
Exactly! How could you not play this!!!
My favorite game as a kid. My brother and I spent hours with this on his Genesis. I think what really pulled me in was the wannabe Robotech fighters. Now if only I could find an OG copy that is affordable.
Do not trust your boyfriend or anyone with naked pictures. Tell them to go watch porn or F*** off.
122 Comments, really? I am so tired of porn and never understood the draw of cgi porn. Thanks for saving me the effort to find out more, it is truly appreciated.
Ha! Nope!