
? I'm confused where you are getting your information on NFL OTA on this. I get NFL through my antenna every sunday, signal's not perfect but it works well enough and even in HD now. There is certainly no local blackout, in fact my only problem with NFL is that they always prioritize the local team on the OTA

Idk man it would have to do a LOT to sway me, I'm really loving pocket right now. For articles, they both look perfectly readable and Instapaper maybe has a little bit spiffier set of options for font and such, debatable though and I like Pocket's reading list better personally.

Oh boy do I love Tasker. Ok here goes:

Absolutely agree. I actually just bought one last week after going through exactly the same thought process and was even explaining it to my galaxy s3 enamored friend who couldn't understand my decision on the T this morning.

Hey whitson, did you try splashtop and if so how does it compare to TeamViewer? I'm using Splashtop now and it's good but it's definitely not perfect so I wouldn't be opposed to switching if TeamViewer is better.

I suppose that is true. I was also wondering if Microsoft was going to make it even more difficult than they already have to just use the desktop and minimize metro then they already have since all the software mentioned really only applies in familiar Windows. Or on the off chance Microsoft actually makes me want

It is still an upgrade though. As cool as this stuff is doesn't that kind of make it a bad time to buy software like this? You don't know for sure if you will even need or want this stuff when you start regularly using Windows 8 and all of its features. Plus with low-level ones like replacing the explorer with

Yea exactly. Whitson is right about Readability though, it's gorgeous and its features seem to be more than enough for me. I switched over to give it a shot for while, I can always come back if I find it lacking but I don't know what I would be missing out on really.

Huh, I guess I'm not really the target customer for these, I never had any problem with the features offered by RIL free and was kind of wondering why I would want to upgrade. I do most of my reading when travelling so my main uses are just saving articles that look bad in mobile (usually pictures), saving articles

If people are having problems with this with carrier blocked apps, there is a less complicated way. Just remove your sim card, reboot and go on the market over wifi. Without a sim card it has no idea what carrier you are on so it assumes you can see everything you are compatible with. That's how i got whatever apps i

Interesting, I didn't know voice worked that well on the 360. That's good to hear because I really hope this works for them. I'm a huge fan of RPG games and although I like playing them on xbox you have to make such a huge tradeoff to do so by dropping nearly all hotkey options. I'll be so happy if this works, it

Yea I agree. I don't really get this article, macs are marketted almost exclusively on the principle that "it just works." People love for that reason, no hassle, no problems, just get one and go. The software may not be the best but it doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be. The apple platform gets any job you need

Personally, I like my tasker alarm clock. I have an alarm calendar in google calendar if tasker finds an event in there named ALARM it starts playing a song, that way I can drag my alarm events around while on my computer planning my day anyway. Plus since it's tasker then I can have it do neat things like turn off

Yea I always want to try transparent themes but I end up getting over them because their prettiness and readability are always changing and dependent on whatever you've got behind them. As for the trashcan thing, it's a great tip, one of the few life lessons I picked up as a 16 year-old stock and clean guy for a

Yea that's true I suppose. I picked a theme so that it looked nice but in terms of its function as a music player, it's pretty clunky and barebones. I guess I put up with it because I mostly do regular use on mobile and at home I have a different media setup. I really only use the web one to play playlists or watch

It does have one, I've seen that much of it working. On Windows at least it works very similarly to subsonic, the desktop part of the program does virtually nothing you just go to the localhost page it serves up to set everything up and use a web interface. And obviously you can dyndns that page and forward it

Yea Plex is cool, I couldn't get it to cooperate on Windows though. Plus you have to buy the app to test it on mobile so you pretty much only get one shot at getting it working if you want to return it in the 15 minute window for Android. I was going to try again but then I found Subsonic and I've never really

Bet the military is in love with this idea. Switch on to give units classified information they need to know for the mission. Mission over or going badly? Switch off and classified info is safe once more.

You know subsonic can kind of get around that I believe. I mostly use the flash player because I didn't play around enough to change it but it has an option of players when you play music, at least from the webapp. You can configure and use an external player or you can use their jukebox which I think runs on their

So I found an article on F-Secure shining some more light on this ispy issue. According to them there is a reason for it and it is in use. They believe this is Apple's way of mapping the world's wi-fi networks. Remember how it was discovered those Google Maps cars driving around were actually getting as much