
what a tough job...

wow, is that glove huge or is it just me?

empty water cooler = 5 very thirsty bobcat fans

I call traveling on the kid in yellow

is this one of those 3D art pictures?

somebody has the case of the Wednesdays

sucks to be this guy

look, there's an insect on the ceiling...

blooming onion causes blooming blisters :)

over rated! you should have never made that documetary

Dink > Doink

at UMASS we used to drink HAMS beer. it was like $8 a case, and it came in 4 6 pack plastic rims, memories...

nattys FTW

some ointment should clear up that red spot

why the long face?

I guess Disney characters' hair turns purple when they age

make sure you throw all your trash in the barrel please

black jack gum, FTW

this guy should be way up, because of the nice side shot of his mullet

aren't there usually fishing lures on this hat?