Missy D B

I had Marcy Playground’s Sex and Candy as a ringtone in high school and it went off in class once and I was promptly given two detentions — one for having my phone on in class and the other for my ringtone featuring the word “sex”

I mean this is cute but I do think it’s weird that she’s being pushed into this at FOUR years old. I don’t know... something about it is very Toddlers and Tiaras to me.

in a haphazard-to-painstakingly-specific fashion, depending on the severity of your particular anxiety disorder.

I love the back on this!

Firing squads are generally frowned upon because they negatively impact the individuals who make up the firing squad— its a lot less mentally taxing for one person in a separate room to push a button to release gas into a chamber than six men to line up and shoot someone.

There was a Fredericks above the food court at Gwinnett Place Mall in Georgia! Sometimes we’d go in and giggle, but ultimately spend out $$ at Victoria’s Secret Pink.

Firing squads are legal in OK as a back up also.

A broken condom sounds about right

I don't understand the cheating comment the employee made. Did you know him? Was he kidding? What kind of an employee curses at a guest?

You win.


I feel like I don't spend enough money on clothes.

I tell everyone about the first thing. Be in a couple first, then get a dog is my suggestion haha.

Best joke in that whole damn roast. I’ve told so many people about it. I can’t get over it.

75% in Reston seems very high...

It’s possible he knows he won’t make it past the primary, but running for President would sure help his Senate run/make him a lot of money in speaking fees afterward.

The KY legislature passed a law this session that somehow allows him to run for both senate and president, I’ve heard, so there is that.

I'm internationally travelling for the first time on my own in July to Trinidad and Tobago— so glad y'all are doing this! I need help! Also, more than willing to document everything in case something interesting happens :-)

I feel like Buzzfeed has totally ruined the nuance of it— it is not always an insult, but now those of us who use it instinctively have to be careful for fear someone may think we're being purposefully rude :-(

I don't know the answer to your question, but I was the same way regarding hormonal birth control and I am now on Mirena and it is fine. It took three months (like they warned!) for me to stop having constant spotting and cramps. but that seems like a small price to pay for piece of mind. I need the hormones which is