
Zombie cheese wheel is better than anything TWD ever gave me.

They thought that Glenn jumped under the dumpster, but what actually happened was that the show jumped the shark.

Who needs a tv show about the apocalypse? We’re about to get the live show in a few weeks.

Ooh ooh, he must be the Grand Wizard of Oz.


After the rhetoric of the campaign, big chunks of the Democratic coalition who did their part at the polls now fear that their rights and their basic safety are at risk. For example, the Trump camp has already promised to roll back women’s reproductive rights and Obama’s anti-discrimination orders for schools and

Fuck off.

Yes, and by that argument, which I agree with, the polls quoted by 538 should not just be ignored because rationality tells us Trump should never even be close to winning. Trump has a plausible path to 270 that only requires the pink battleground states and New Hampshire (Where Trump has a 40% chance of winning), as

The last time I checked, a major party putting forward a demagogue on a platform of unbridled bigotry, hatred, racism, xenophobia and lies is a one-off as well…

Yeah but now thanks to science they’ll have something to show for all their shenanigans!

You either die an automotive legend or live long enough to see yourself become just another European.

I’m in Tucson and am perfectly fine with indoor temps in the low to mid 80s. Some family members say it’s too warm when they come to visit, but it’s a nice way to get them to leave quicker. lol

Trump Intergalactic Terminal

You won’t believe this, but Bernie Sanders won the state of Oregon last night. (Real fucking shocker there, I know.)

How about this?

Thank fuck I live in a country where we don’t have guns, so arguments don’t escalate into deadly dick waving incidents like this.

Gmail has the greatest Spam filter imaginable. Occasionally I glance thru my spam folder and I never see a single valid email. And, in my Inbox, I never see Spam. It’s truly remarkable and makes Gmail the choice.

I hope to never hear that awful song again

hahaha this guy lives up my moms street. Maybe I’ll do a follow up live interview