
Now that looks cool! Please dont dick this up GM, come out with an SS or some serious sport version, with a stick and turbo(s) and you will have a serious winner.

What is the impact on the video quality it self? I understand your point but at the same time i like this idea. Maybe they should have explained it a bit better or something.

Dont care. I have t-mo and dont see the issue with this, dont like it, turn it off.

Who pays for this and who can use it? Just any citizen of the world walking the streets can use this? Also will the data be mined for key words or who knows whatever else?

Why do people use this service? I dont get what all the hype is about with Uber.. One time i looked to see the cost for a ride with Uber and it was like 7 times the rate of taking a cab. I would never used them and would love to understand why people uese this service.

i would rather pay $400 for a block of wood with a dick on it then have to hit “view replies” “show pending” or “load more” every time i come to this site and attempt to read the comments, i have to hit “load more” OVER AND OVER just to read a few lines of text

Once again Doug comes off as a pretentious norm-core ass wipe. Some people who can only afford a $3500 car need to ask a lot more questions as it could be their entire savings and they cant afford thousands in repairs right off the bat. And for $3500 a car should have little to NO mechanical issues unless its some

I would have laughed in your face, told you to FUCK OFF. I hate ass holes like you.

480p :(


I really want to watch this video to see the sill changes but the chicks voice and spastic edits and cuts are giving me vertigo. I wish this were a more straightforward side by side of each clip.

How silly, we all know what car Vader drives

Sounds cute, but i will disable this feature ASAP when i buy a new Ford. Or ANY new car that has this. As its been said already the “law” will soon shut my car off or speeding or any other soon to be illegal action.

Agreed, but when they do i never respond to anything, in fact i always sell a car in public place, i tell them to bring a trusted friend or mechanic to look it over for them, i tell them its AS IS, once they take the car, im gone, the money is gone, my phone number is gone and the title i gave them only has my PO box

Good part about living in NY state, all private auto sales are AS IS by law. Once you take my car thats it.

Is this spin? Now i have “unlimited streaming” of music to go with my “limited” 6 gig plan, sounds like a deal to me.

Well this is shitty, Amazon Prime is not part of the “Binge On” or the “Music Freedom”

I have been alive since 1974 and this video is dumb and out of touch with reality

not amazing, demented

yeah ill get right on that