
For the same reason we don’t call far left’s not true.

I agree LOT season 1 was awful.  However, it gets amazing after that as they just stopped caring and did whatever they thought funny.

San Francisco is a liberal paradise now isn’t it? You have plenty of homeless people to look at and “feel good” about enabling them instead of helping them.  

If someone agrees to work at that price, they should be able to. That’s how the free market really should work. Minimum wage only helps the lazy.

You forget to mention the movies he wrote/story by...which were blockbusters.  Is it fair that TV is looked down on?  No, but lets be fair here.  It’s like Steak and Hamburgers.  One of them made a lot of money doing one project where the other it took many episodes to make them the same money.  She should be paid

Any of the Tex Murphy FMV games were great, and I can’t wait for the final one.

I don’t understand the tone of this article.  The fact is she is a bad person for leaking personal details, but your tone acts like it’s a joke.  She was right to be fired, no matter if you like Trump or not.  Imagine it was Obama, would you still have the same snarky tone?

Shame on you.  Can’t you put down the liberal crap for one day?

Is everyone here a liberal snob? $40 a month might not mean something to you, but to a single month it might mean getting more milk, eggs other maybe a quality of life improvement.  The GOP is not evil, nor are the liberals (just misguided).  Please stop acting acting like letting people keep their hard earned money

They have released Lunar 1 to practically everything (even Nintendo), so I would assume it will show up eventually.  Now Lunar 2 (red headed stepchild), is another story.  

He is the presidents Guardian ANGEL.  He is the one who has fallen.  It has nothing to do with the president.  It’s explained in the trailer.

This was on one of the episodes of The Profit (Season 6, Episode 610) if you want to see the behind the scenes of it.  

>>I’d personally like them to just buy Nintendo already and use Big N as the mobile and Nintendo IP arm of a bigger Xbox ecosystem.<<

1. I have no idea who this person is. $12,000 for less then 10 movies (it said a handful and I am assuming they mean 2 hands), is more then $1000 per video. That is nothing to scoff at.

The point is since it wasn’t made by that company then we should be able to choose where we buy it from. A lot of people hate Epic (I don’t care), and the launcher isn’t really the point. It is annoying to have yet another launcher taking up memory, but in the end exclusivity deals are just as bad when it happens on

>>I was working at Blockbuster Video in 2007 and I could see the writing on the wall. They wanted us to push candy sales, push gift cards. Push anything that was not a rental. Do whatever you can to make money. They even started to have us push movie pre-orders. Christmas came along and they wanted us to sell these

Let me guess. An unstoppable gem who will change their thinking because of Steven being wonderful. This is the way they resolved EVERY STORYLINE. Once or twice it was fine, but EVERY TIME! When you know how a story is going to end, all the tension is gone. If it ends with the gem not being redeemed and Steven actually

>>Moreover, plenty of women are named, “James”.<<

>>And even if she were, it’s a false equivalence because there are way more male lead characters than female, especially in action movies. << your world people can’t complain? Isn’t complaining your generations motto?