That looks more like a freight train than deer!
That looks more like a freight train than deer!
I’ve voted Republican most of my adult life, but I’m more moderate than conservative. Haven’t been able to stomach the current party politics and just keep wondering when my party is going to come back to me. Seems like lately it’s just a race to see who can get furthest to the right. Just bat shit crazy!
I was supposed to fly out of San Antonio today, after a week long business trip. Get home in time to pick up flowers for my wife for Valentines. Perfect! Not to be. Freezing rain started last night, making the drive to the airport an adventure. Jackknifed semis and cars spun out everywhere. Get to the airport, get on…
Just before the game the other night, I dialed up Whitney’s version of the Star Spangled Banner, and you ain’t lying. That is the gold standard of how the song should be song. No artsy interpretations, no underpowered voices...just her with that beautiful voice just nailing it! Gives me goosebumps every time I…
Bingo! I had it pegged for a C6 Grand Sport from the side.
I think you’re onto something there.
Just used some removing the passenger side exhaust manifold on my truck. Works well...smells kind of sweet. Think it would make a great mixer in a whiskey drink.
You expected empathy from that clown? If it’s not about him, he’s not interested.
I see where you’re going, and I agree. It takes a certain mindset to buy a Land Cruiser, but I do have a question. People typically put a copper strip on their roofline to kill vegetation (namely moss) to prevent it from growing on their roof. Won’t the runoff being collected to water the garden have the same…
I’d tend to agree. Modern ergonomics and updated electronics...I can’t see people being ready to part with much more cash for that.
I stand by my comment. A pitch trim checklist would have directed the crew at some point to set STAB TRIM to CUTOUT. This would have disable automatic trim of the aircraft, and is why you go step, by step, by step when running checklists. The comments by the pilots union are irrelevant in this. They were right to…
I’m absolutely sure. I haven’t seen the checklists for this particular aircraft but at some point, the flight crew would have been directed to reach to the center aisle stand and set STAB TRIM from NORM to CUTOUT, or whatever they call it in the Max. These two switches disables auto trim, and as a result it disables…
I get e-bikes on the road, but MTB??? Nope. I don’t mind being muddy and dead tired after a hard trail ride. Taking the e-bike to the market? Fine.
Want to get me the ultimate gift? Get me a car that hovers when I take the wheels off. I swear that jack stand is on the far side of the car in that pic.
That’s not entirely correct, and if those air crews had followed their checklists they could have saved their aircraft. I’m completely sympathetic to the fact that they were low to the ground and fighting for their lives, but a disciplined air crew would have saved both those jets.
Yeah, and not all caps.
I need to go buy a Tesla. Love me some waffles.
I wish I had more stars to give (particularly for the BMW), but alas...
Sorry, but they didn’t do what they were supposed to. When a problem occurs, you run your checklists. You run them from start to completion. You don’t skip steps, and you don’t try something that’s not in the checklist then go back to the checklist. You do step 1, step 2, step 3...step 99. One of those steps would…
This! Boeing did get caught flat footed by Airbus with the Neo. In fact, Airbus has beaten them to the punch since then with the A321 and the A220. The latter really hurts as Boeing working on a deal with Embraer that unraveled because of the cash crunch the Max debacle out the company in.