
David already getting started on next year’s moab trip?  Some Jeep/Ferrari monster?

It works for me. Anyone who claims it doesn’t work for them is fake news.

Here’s your star.  Now get out.  ;)

This news is teh Roxor



I would have gone with the Ford Little Midget Pony. But Pygmy works, too.

But high oil prices must mean that we haven’t opened up enough federal land/offshore to oil companies so that we can produce enough to bring down the price. Oh, and don’t forget to make sure to charge a pittance to the oil companies for the use of the land/offshore rights, or make them put the land back to the same

They arent blaming all of their troubles on Trump, just the tariffs that cost their business over 100 million dollars. That was all Trump for no good reason

I know, I’m completely aware of that. Not trying to be a great person. I drive a BMW so I’m so used to being judged by other drivers because of that, so I can do the same once in a while. LOL.

Sequoia - The shortest word in the English language with every vowel accounted for.

Simply, it’s a challenge.

It appeals to the engineer-y/problem solve-y side of my brain. Here’s a vehicle that—if we’re honest—was destined for the junkyard. It had a bad frame, a cracked engine, a horrible suspension, a bad ignition system...the list goes on.

Understanding these problems, laying out a plan to solve

Wow, the dealership took responsibility. I did not see that coming.

I daily drive an MX-3 with the 1.8L V6

Hit the nail on the head.

Which one is supposed to be the better looking one?

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

Okay, okay, sure, it’s a wildly unreliable 40+ year old Italian car, I get that. But it’s so damn cool! Look at that thing! Nice price because I’m a nostalgic moron.

All in, we’re gonna win

I always liked the Y Wing. It's the grand tourer wing.